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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. I get it. It's not so much that I was confused, in the point I was trying to make (that must all of them are con artists) it's that I was confused about your deeper point. I think if you looked at it, we are more alike in what we think than different. But I get it. Marx was definitely different by basically equivocating communism and socialism when most were thinking of them as different, being necessary steps to take to implement a system (if that's clear enough... Sorry, I'm a bit in the cups, as it were...)
  2. Maybe crushing the unions, but easy credit? This country hates its workers and its poor because everyone things they're going to be rich one day. They think they're better than the poors already because they're almost rich
  3. Like, congratulations you have an anarchist flag... By all means, don't reply next time if that's your reply. Ha ha ha ha ha I'd be better off...
  4. Marx? I think he's just about as much a con artist as all the others. You think Adam Smith never understood the endpoint if capitalism? That is, where capitalist societies become wards of plutocracies?
  5. She's batshit crazy, for sure... "This is serious shit..." I, for over, welcome blah blah blah
  6. 220... 221... Whatever it takes
  7. This article kinda killed my Justice boner. https://www.npr.org/2018/12/15/676765398/the-russia-investigations-a-case-still-unproven Of course it's not Fox news, so I don't see how our swams could believe it
  8. SKJ


    It definitely wrecked shop.
  9. That's how it is in much of the jail system, as well. Pre-trial, post-trial. Prison and jail are different in most cases (just for simplification), the amazing difference is that you have much more freedom in prison than you do in jail. What's important to understand is that, in my estimation, jail is designed to break down your will to fight your case.
  10. Easy now...
  11. That wasn't much of a beating.
  12. Yeah, I'm lost
  13. That's hilarious
  14. Considering that that's 5% of the people that voted for Trump, that's not that many
  15. Mr balloon hands... No way. It's pretty fucking hilarious. Sara Silverman supposedly recorded it
  16. Drinking out of cups video A real acid trip recording
  17. Zepol's not nearly thick enough, probably
  18. SKJ


    My wife ate a 300mg gummy this Thanksgiving that we had left over. We've been gone from Denver for 1.5 years, and apparently her tolerance went to shit and the gummy stayed the same. Wai2hai?
  19. I really do wonder... If Trump goes to prison, does he still get secret service protection?
  20. I tried to get a link several times. Must be shut down?
  21. I wonder, if Trump goes to prison, do the secret service go too?
  22. Well, they're in Federal prison, so I'd guess that wouldn't really work
  23. This should probably just have been unsaid. Please don't click on any more Chad Briscoe threads.
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