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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. I think Trump grew up rooting for the evil side in Star Wars. And so when Reagan compared Russia to that, he immediately gravitated to them so hard...
  2. Cross post I suspect that Trump will come away from the Putin meeting with a new understanding... Like "I believe Putin didn't do it... He doesn't even own a computer!" Or "Putin doesn't even know how to type! Believe me, I watched him try... He doesn't even know where the backwards R is!"
  3. With regarding to Trump saying he believes Putin when he says he didn't do it, I suspect that Trump will come away from the Putin meeting with a new understanding... Like "I believe Putin didn't do it... He doesn't even own a computer!" Or "Putin doesn't even know how to type! Believe me, I watched him try... He doesn't even know where the backwards R is!"
  4. That you're a bitch?
  5. And you're still a bitch.
  6. Oh, I'm sure you've reported a lot. Maybe if you keep it up you'll get a gold star, and you and badmofo can be mods together. You're such a bitch
  7. I think Fox has gone well past borderline fraud. They are literally stating the opposite of facts in such cases as the deficit (said it was going down...) And helping spread the lie that it was a law that children had to be detained and separated from their family... There are quite a few examples, but anyway. Sure, Fox spins some shit, (especially when they ignore stuff) but they also outright lie
  8. This is what we learned today: GOP: "These texts from one guy PROVE a deep state conspiracy to undermine Trump." (Arrests, guilty pleas, indictments, subpoenas, texts, e-mails, letters, hearings, Russia connections, Russian banks, "Russia, if you're listening...", etc) GOP: "There's no proof of collusion."
  9. He may be a hall monitor... He may have a pad and pencil and write down your demerits... He'll definitely report you, like a bitch
  10. Yup. I negged your bitch ass. I just find it humorous, you cunt, that you ran off like a bitch and tattled like the little girl. I didn't run out of rep, though. I ran out of caring after 12 or so. Run off and tell someone else that I'm being not nice to you here, precious. Bitch
  11. Remember when you reported a post of mine (like a little bitch) saying I was hoping for the president to die? Should I report this because you're hoping cancer on someone? Bitch
  12. It's like these idiots think that our fearless Cheeto has some sense of history, or even some inkling of gravitas.
  13. Eh... That's what we signed up for
  14. I think Ohio is trying to curry favor with our fearless Cheeto
  15. I don't think it's the "perfect storm" at all... I think it's more like that Trump's such an epic, know-nothing moron who has no actual overall plan whatsoever, that there's bound to be some kind of fucking huge tsunami of shit bound at the end of all these massive clusterfucks
  16. I used to live there. He'd definitely get enough of talking shit to people wearing Puerto Rican gear. Then he'd get enough new dentistry while he's at it.
  17. I mean, what a fucking pathetic witch hunt this is.
  18. Elton probably peed on him before
  19. I would vote for hickenlooper. I would re-register and maybe even volunteer for his campaign. He was great in Colorado. Pretty moderate, but also uses common sense.
  20. Fucking fox news is telling idiots that the deficit is going down. They're not shading, spinning, fibbing, or even lying... They're fucking making up complete and total fabrications. They're actually just the antithesis of truth, since they're just saying the exact opposite of the truth. Constantly. Nobody is more full of shit than fox news. There's no fucking excuse to think that any other news organization (outside brietbart and daily caller) are as bad as they are. They're not just completely full of shit, they're fucking evil.
  21. SKJ

    Trump's Trade War

    I'm in agreement that neither Trump, not any of his advisors know anything she's taking about. Especially since those conditions would be near impossible to foresee. You could only make those determinations she made after. I hate to think that investment would drive the replacement of GDP, especially foreign investment. I don't think investors place any faith in the dartboard policies of Trump, and would believe that he's going to see it through. But whatever. It's a post-mortem analysis that would probably prompt Trump to take credit for the move, even if all of those factors didn't exist before the trade war.
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