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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. It's not like anyone called it. I mean, it's all such a big surprise. Right?
  2. That's one fuck that deserved a beating
  3. Recruiting thread is thataway
  4. I guess I spoke too soon You sure about that, hoss?
  5. Well, you could just legalize weed and tax it. Worked like a charm in Colorado. Also seemed to save money wasted on prisons. I think we need to get our fucked up priorities in line, deal with the outlandish amounts of waste that is the prison industrial complex, and the military industrial complex, then eliminate governmental redundancy... You know, stop burning cash. I'm guessing that'd take care of more net negative spending. Fuck. Immigrants are not nearly as expensive as a massive, idiotic prison system. Id say there's a whole laundry list of things fucking us out of resources that would need to be figured out before we figure out the cost/benefit of people that want to fucking work and have a better life. Hell, tax incentives on pro stadiums built with taxpayer money are probably much higher than the whole of the costs of immigration... (Pure speculation, though)
  6. So, you oppose the building of apartments/multifamily units because of the increased load on the schools? That's more a zoning issue than an immigration issue.
  7. That depends on the state. But generally, the owners pay the tax... Of course, they pay this with the income they get from the rental property. I'm not understanding the question, I guess. Commercial property owners pass the property tax to the tenant.
  8. I never once claimed to be a patriot. I'm not rooting for shit. But keep waving that flag... Only thing it's gonna do is make your arms tired
  9. It's not rooting against America. It's hoping for some sort of event to wake up the morons. Big difference.
  10. Well. I guess that debate is over
  11. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Slorch'd
  12. Rule #37 There are no women on the internet
  13. I think they think you're a sock because there are no women on the internet
  14. I think I'm complaining much better than they are writing shitty Twitter jokes, so in comparison, I'm doing much better with my time. I am complaining because they wasted the shit out of my time with that shit. I read that shit for 20 minutes and couldn't find a laugh once. Seriously, very shitty jokes
  15. Oh... And to be clear, the argument isn't that they shouldn't be writing jokes because their time should be spent another way... The argument is that they shouldn't be writing jokes because they're patently unfunny. Rather than be very, very bad at being funny, they should use their energy productively
  16. And when you do, please be funny.
  17. I mean, really, none of them are. I do like comedy, though... When it's funny
  18. That's great. I wish they spent their energy on actually doing something rather than writing snarky, shit jokes that aren't even remotely funny or clever, but ok. We'll win the war through sarcasm while the maga creeps used bullets
  19. I can't believe the sad, tired, humor. They're just not funny at all
  20. That shit is so fucking lame... They're really, not even remotely funny
  21. SKJ

    Trump's Trade War

    Fucking orange raccoon
  22. What was the name of the socks? Did we get any?
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