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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha holy shit. Take note, everyone, this is how you concern troll.
  2. I really can't see who you were responding to, but I'm assuming he spoke as if he wasn't sheeeit whole being logged into that account? What are the names? We should crowdsource the socks
  3. It's difficult to separate the cartels from the politics mostly because the cartels kill all who oppose them. Plata o plomo
  4. Is there any truth to this? "Trump was bankrolled by Justice Kennedy’s son who works for biggest RU laundering bank in the world" from a Twitter feed. i mean, if that shit can be proved, is there now a reason Kennedy is retiring?
  5. I thought it was sexual assault. Then baseball Then treason Then cheap labor
  6. Yeah, except that that's not even remotely a verse in Surah 9, and not in the Quran at all. But ok
  7. Having just moved from Colorado, you must understand. They had to have tax holidays every year because they collected so much mj tax. The schools were fully funded every year The schools building funds were funded every year. The accounting of the money is released every year. The shit works, and now that I live in Oklahoma (because of the rise in housing costs in Colorado since post-legalization) I hope the same thing happens here.
  8. So we have an Aldi near me, but I've never really gone because it seems super hipster. Is this a thing in Texas? And why is Aldi supposed to be good?
  9. I'm thinking Ted doesn't like Trump very much
  10. I think the idea of the extreme pushback is pretty much that the public, by and large, does not support this farce. I'm fairly certain that the importance of this public outcry may be greater than the protesters know. I think it is key for our allies to see this shit so that they can understand that Trump is not our identity. He is not our standard. He does not represent American values. If this keeps up, and side-a-beef buckles (or keeps lying, especially about treating everyone with respect), and the heat gets to great, maybe our allies will be with is when this farce is over. Or maybe they will support our revolutionary army.
  11. SKJ

    Trump's Trade War

    This is what I was saying earlier. It's more than just a trade problem, it's a production problem.
  12. I think I may support one or two of Trump's views, but I support zero of what this fucking loser does. He seems to have a knack for doing the absolute worst in every situation. So while I may support the fact that the borders should be secure, or that we should have better trade deals, I don't support the dumbass, despotic (not bombast), individually moronic effort that this orangutan tries to use to solve any problem, whatsoever. He's despotic because he's unable to listen, or even to consider, opinions that may be contrary to his own, but that would most probably help to fix a situation rather than make it worse (which is all he seems to be good at...)
  13. Here's an example of the sense of debate in America. This is from the Twitter thread about side-a-beef getting thrown out.
  14. You had immigrants that close to your family!?!? I bet your grandparents we murdered by them? You never got to meet the immigrants I bet, because you'd obviously be dead.
  15. Wow. Just wow. He had to know what he was saying, right? You can see he loaded those words into his pea brain with that purpose. He first started to say "you're out of your..." Then, that idiot pill in his brain broke and he let it fly.. What a piece of shit
  16. SKJ

    Trump's Trade War

    Ha ha ha they're going to target Trump's businesses... You know, the ones in blind trust. I bet the names come down off those buildings pretty quick when the licensors are getting fucked
  17. SKJ

    Trump's Trade War

    Please, feel free to post any (neutral, verifiable) evidence. Because I think "deficit," a main point in this, means something very different than you think it does, especially considering the fact that if we were to have truly balanced trade, we'd have to FORCE companies to manufacture shit here for a higher price, and then basically FORCE other countries to import shit. Stop randomly talking about a trade deficit. It's also a PRODUCTION deficit.
  18. Cuz they don't have rifles?
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