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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. Love how they're just coming out and recognizing that they're all just one big editorial
  2. I would think this last cut/spend was one of the worst (as the projections look)... The worst part about it is that the programs we're supporting are failing and the political will to go through most of our programs and overhaul them to be more efficient and effective just isn't even there. I believe government can do a great job with all these projects, but they need to be tended to, not just set them aside and keep throwing money at them
  3. I've been saying he's tyrannical since he was elected. I basically had to argue that point for a month in the other site Not like I'm psychic or anything, but you know.
  4. I mean, I just thought we were all immune. We all know he's a horrible, traitorous, idiotic piece of shit...
  5. I think it's more that you're misrepresenting their positions. If their personal income tax goes up they're going to cut jobs? If their corporate tax goes back they'll cut jobs? What about interest rates? They're going to be raising soon, you think they'll be cutting jobs then, too? Or maybe they'll just hire the amount of people to perform the work they have?
  6. So I guess you're not including me in that. I have 0% bitch in me
  7. They're not going to cut jobs if their taxes go up. If they do, they're just not good at business. A company that can't figure out how to invest in their own business will fail in their own right. But they'd probably blame taxes. What CEO doesn't know how to compute NPV?
  8. I guess it's a lesson in minding your fucking business. Fucking doing a favor for a cop is now putting you on the clock
  9. Fucking dictator wanna be The mural is probably why he ok'd it.
  10. Which definition of 'puto' are we using?
  11. I see you're acting shocked, but why?
  12. I'm amazed, though, that you support Trump so much, right? I get it though... You love him for the tax cut. But you should also hate him for the reckless spending, right? Considering he's the reason your FUTURE taxes will probably go up to try and pay for the dumbass shit he's doing. I still can't understand how all you rich geniuses can't see this
  13. Aaand your life is still great. Neat. But if they raise your taxes 10%, what life choices are you gonna have to make? Since I'll never be able to retire, what's another 10% to me, right?
  14. Aaaand here we go... Those fuck trophies are your future conscripts, right? I mean, your a fucking half a billionaire, right? If not, realize, we're not talking about your fucking taxes THE GREATEST TRICK THE REPUBLICANS EVER PULLED WAS MAKING YOU MIDDLE CLASS FUCKS THINK THE LOWER CLASSES ARE COSTING YOU. you already pay more than your fair share
  15. First, tell me to fuck of again, tuffy. It really works. Second, your cohorts in this thread, randomidiot et.al. will be telling you you should've made better choices. Thirdly, all you fucks in this thread think the higher tax on the top quintile would affect you?
  16. Mostly they're being paid to breed. Rearing children benefits the country, though. More cannon fodder for wars. That way you all don't have to send your kids, right?
  17. Just stop. I mean, I'm sure it was at least 50% of shoppers in the HEB paying with an EBT card and driving off in a Benz The fact is, since there were so many people committing fraud, and you didn't report it, you're complicit in that, right? The next fact is, I'm fairly certain no one's talking about taxing you more. The next fact is, if we're really talking about who to tax more, like the top half of the top quintile, I'm almost certain none of those people are here to defend themselves. Stop thinking you'll be there someday and that if you don't fight it now it'll be such a downer when you get there. You won't be there someday
  18. Yeah. I could do lots of things to get further ahead in life. None of them legal, though
  19. Right. The bottom two quintiles. You do realize that the top of the second quintile is 42k.
  20. Stop. Just fucking stop. If you were so fucking beaten by this, why didn't you contact the authorities? Just knock it off
  21. You do realize that most people withhold more than that, right?
  22. Bro. Drug dealing is a 24hr a day job. Being poor is a fucking beating. Having barely any medical care, can't afford any extras... I'm beginning to think motherfuckers on this board have lost all fucking touch with reality
  23. You've lost your motherfucking mind. You think it's easy to work and barely make enough to survive? C'mon, stop it. Really.
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