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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. I respect the shit out of you, Mac. I respect most all of the shitstains on this board. I usually go into hugostania just to read the new idiocy, which Hugo aggregates for us all. Outside of that, I guess it would be sad to lose that service. But, then again, whoreallyfuckingcares.gif
  2. I guess that's mostly my list. Plus squish Macanudo, brisket, squish, bolverk, LL, longhorn 68, where's fc?... Nmas, zep, Vic, All the funny ones that give very few fucks
  3. Fucking rookie. You never go get anything til after you have gotten the pussy.
  4. So, they're all at lunch still?
  5. This article says it best https://deadspin.com/father-of-future-american-wonderteen-barron-trump-tries-1825584728/amp
  6. I mean, I'm only in this thing to see Trump's eventual collapse. I really don't know how it plays out... Can he actually break down and cry? Or will he be this shouting imbecile getting dragged away? I just want to see this so bad
  7. SKJ

    Sean Hannity

    Can we just all agree hannity is a bitch and a hack?
  8. SKJ

    Sean Hannity

    Hook me up with that gig
  9. SKJ

    Sean Hannity

    I'm ready for that job. Where you at
  10. If I die, I want to be thrown in a dumpster and forgotten
  11. When considering if indeed one should troll, the answer is yes
  12. I wish i could sign up for that shit, but I'd have to wait for a fucking postcard, and fuck all that. Would be fun to troll Okies
  13. Regular > Reg. > Reggie
  14. Yeah, I'm not gonna upload my DNA to a random website. Sounds like something Google and Amazon would like to use.
  15. This is patently untrue. Any person with even the slightest inkling of technology can hide their location easily, with very little difficulty Especially easy if one we're meeting with actual intelligence agents
  16. What's that name on that YouTube plaque behind him?
  17. I'm in. How far of a drive are you from Oklahoma?
  18. That's a whole lot of words to say Trump gonna Trump about Russia
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