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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. What you have to remember is that you're 7% more a badass since the Dutch are known to be badass fighters. Here's a small intro into the group you have just entered: https://sports.vice.com/en_us/article/ywz99v/the-legend-of-the-fighting-dutchmen
  2. The ranch? 1) it has a laugh track. 2) it's not funny. 3) laugh track
  3. That store's only over in woosta.
  4. SKJ


    So I just had some Weller special reserve. I liked it. How much better/different is their other labels? And considering the price, what's the worth/ value comparison?
  5. Racist doctrine 14 words, 88 precepts
  6. Who the fuck is that? I've never heard of him
  7. I would say bitchmofo is much more apropos
  8. SKJ


    Argonaut. Also, http://mollysspirits.com/denver-liquor-store-spirits/spirits-club/
  9. I cannot believe that anyone would give hannity any credibility at all before this, but now? What's less than zero percent? Fucking hannity acting like he's got a crush on Melania and he thinks he can get some after she divorces Trump
  10. That's what I'm saying. The r-tards don't give a fuck. Trump could've had an abortion performed in the middle of times square and he wouldn't lose a soul. All any candidate has to do is talk like him. The r-tards will accept any amount of anything just to hear those words
  11. That's not true, though. All one would have to do is merely talk like Trump. Then they can literally do ANYTHING and the fucking r-tards will do whatever mental gymnastics needed to accept it. Especially if they think he's a white supremacist who's against abortion.
  12. Know how I know YOU gay? You typed this: lol have a good weekend!
  13. Yeah... Get those deer cameras. The ones that are motion activated.
  14. Definitely this. Let's have a rate picture takers of the fromthemailroom house thread.
  15. Here's a link to a post where I didn't have to see any shit http://www.shaggytexas.com/board/showthread.php/185333-Whataburger-Is-Overrated?p=11986336#post11986336 Could be my first actual neg
  16. SKJ

    Trump's Trade War

    Something I learned from years in the rackets: fair exchange ain't no robbery
  17. He's in Iran. And bounty hunters are after him? Imma call bullshit
  18. I'm really good at math. Here, lemme help. Use + if you want to model things that get bigger... And also x sometimes. Use - for smaller. Use / for some things that make things smaller somehow
  19. Conservative economic policy is the exact problem in Oklahoma. Kansas would like to also check in with that. It's a failed policy
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