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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. I wish this were true of our Georgia, too, but i doubt it
  2. The worst part about people like that is that they believe they're supposed to be like that. They believe that to their core. True believers. They reframe the arguments in such a way that they're the heroes. They're the ones with the knowledge and the truth and they're gonna fix us all with their righteousness... Because they think they're actually saving us from ourselves. Mutilating surgeries? Banning sexually explicit materials? They believe they're right so much that they take those arguments to almost unrecognizable places so they can exist in their heads as love. Pieces of shit want us all to be saved
  3. I would like to add one thing. Nowhere in the bible does it say to force your beliefs on another. Nowhere in the bible does it say to be political and try to mold the world into its morality. In fact, this:"Giving to God what belongs to God means seeing the face of God in every human being and respecting the dignity of each person and defending his or her right to life...” https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://dphx.org/give-to-god-what-belongs-to-god/%23:~:text%3DGiving%20to%20God%20what%20belongs,He%20has%20begun%20in%20us.&ved=2ahUKEwjnr8rHvdP-AhVommoFHf5OCPsQFnoECAMQBQ&usg=AOvVaw1-2Nw2hpQ-Kl6WtTQP8SWM O Could go on, cut there's no reason
  4. I've said this a few times, but we need to start a PAC called GROOP... Get Religion Out Of Politics
  5. I am currently microdosing. I found myself in an unhealthy relationship with alcohol after going through something. During that time i was drinking too much i found myself needing to pass out to get sleep, or I'd have nightmares, or just general insomnia. I started a few months ago. I buy an ounce every other month or so, turn them into dust, then make capsules. I do .5 g every day in the evening. Haven't drank since.
  6. Well, to be fair, it is a tactic the cops use to get you to talk knowing that they wouldn't use any exculpatory evidence you even brought up. It's a carefully crafted script so-to-speak... You just have to know going on that anything you say that could exonerate you will never be used to help you.
  7. Well, i don't have friends... And i do have a record... The thing about addiction, and pedos and rapists, is that they get more bold as their need grows... So there's that. Maybe he's on his way to being a serial killer? Maybe the government just caught him in a sting? Or maybe he was entrapped? Or maybe he got more and more bold and got caught. Occam's razor and all. Maybe, since you like having friends, you get you some with a record so you can learn about life...
  8. Advice on friends: don't have them. Advice on getting arrested: shut the fuck up and don't answer a single question without a lawyer present. Advice on kiddie porn possession: it's probably not easy to come by Advice on trusting a "friend" who gets knocked for having kiddie porn that's not easy to come by: don't do it... You shouldn't have friends, anyway. I don't know much about pedophiles, other than knowing that they're going to be put in p.c. if they do any time, but i do know about criminals, and they always have a story about how it wasn't their fault, and how there is some crazy conspiracy to catch them... But what the fuck are they doing in the situation? No one is ever guilty. But guilt doesn't matter in court... It's what they can prove. And dumbass is already taking so he's locked into his story, so it better be the one that saves him because he's there's no other alternative. Just so you know, your lawyer can create doubt in a million ways and provide hundreds of stories that would tend to be exculpatory... But a defendant only gets one shot and that's how story forever on record. But who knows, maybe he's the one innocent creep that got some random email that they clicked on?
  9. Ha ha ha fucking means testing. Let's make everything harder so we can have the appearance that we're going to stop the 1% of fraud that's going to happen anyway. Fucking means testing
  10. 3 glasses of champagne and i can't sleep. Happy fucking new years. Haven't drank a drop since September, and kind of lamenting that 2022 was better than 2021... Here's to hoping that we're on the upswing. Love this place and most of you assholes. Happy New Year's
  11. Duke doing his share VID_20220920_193815861~2.mp4
  12. Hey thanks... Moving normal for me
  13. Hey, @immamac So, the site is running slow for me on mobile, chrome Android. it is loading pages slowly, and i have noticed in the dt Ukraine war thread when i load the next page sometimes it skips a page. And when i reopen a page after closing it has always lost my place. This happens when i set my phone down or close it using the power button. That's never really happened before to me anyways. i can't tell what this says on cookie monster so i screenshotted it. Maybe that helps?
  14. @Vic Mackey From the replies:
  15. I'm one of those... I'm not even a sports fan. Blame Thujone
  16. SKJ

    The Supremes

    So, in short, all of it?
  17. SKJ

    The Supremes

    Well, it would say least be a better set of tests than the ones they're using now... Kinda like, at least it's an ethos
  18. Triggers me? Right plan, wrong man i guess
  19. It appears by what your definition was that what you meant was bureaucracy...
  20. I didn't see him mention multiple FELONY charges, he only said multiple charges... That may have been what he meant, or even said and i just missed it, but I'm any case... Denying people bond because of multiple charges of any type means denying basically every person bond because as most of us know, prosecutors stack charges in almost every case they bring, not to mention over charging in almost every case they bring in order to have leverage in pleas... This of course is another tactic, just like high bond and no bond, in an attempt to have more leverage in pleas. This is a huge part of the "justice" system's strategy to get a higher conviction rate to show their "effectiveness."
  21. I thought it was on her knees... At least that's what she said
  22. Do you use "deep state" instead of bureaucracy?
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