It very kind that ha authors use his words, but his jurisprudence is more telling if his beliefs than his words.
I am not Black. But I have stood toe to toe against 1000 white racists in order to stand up for my beliefs without the protection of my beliefs with no security, and no protection, and not in the free world.
His jurisprudence stands for his beliefs regardless of the lies, and nonsense he says in interviews. His jurisprudence is complete racism toe his own people.
Think of it like this: say slorch was Black. Then try to understand why lessez Faire is the correct path for people who've been oppressed for a couple hundred years, without the benefit of maybe 000.01% becoming Supreme Court justices... then thunk that it's because only you had the tenacity to earn it, even though you were given every opportunity by complete chance, or faith, to make it.
Do you despise those that didn't have that good fortune like slorch? Or see the disparity?
Only complete asshole cunts like slorch see that they were somehow so compelling that their bootstraps worked because they're too stupid to see that 1% of 1 % will make it through complete chance.
The other million people will succumb to the forces because they didn't have a benefactor, or the lottery odds that they found some niche.
Uncle Tom ruckus is the slorch. The cunt that got lucky but missttributed it to some calling or talent that they magically had, even though they were the complete exception of the rule... then the develop hated of their own kind ringing that "they just didn't work as hard as Me bell, then completely abandon who they should support because they "made it only on their own efforts"
Don't be a slorch