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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by closetohumping

  1. Even though we have five wins, we’re the biggest name and something something academics
  2. Were you in a comes during the Mack era?
  3. We have been incredibly sloppy left a fuck ton of points on the field and the game had never been in doubt
  4. We’re more aligned to Athens and Columbia than we are and or Manhattan
  5. We are in the southeast not the Midwest.
  6. Some of these people seem to love Caitlin Clark more than they love the WNBA!!
  7. Jail time if your dog bites a kid or an old. Or me
  8. JSN.  Team player with jokes
  9. Anyone believe the Montreal screw job was a work?
  10. White dudes with cutesy ethnic names. Looking at you Tres, Quattro and Cinco.
  11. Weird I haven’t seen any Caitlin/nike commercials. I wonder why
  12. I can't wait that long. I need some Air A'jas. Those out yet?
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