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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by closetohumping

  1. Burrell, blackshire and brooks for Moore? Did we get any picks or a ptbnl?
  2. This show fucks. Maybe it's because of the newness and novelty but it seems far more entertaining than Top Chef Laverne and Shirley. One episode in, initial thoughts: Love the hosts. Choi and Simon play well off each other and aren't try hards. Chef roster is decent. Marcel, Faulkner, Viet I'm rooting for anyone but Carlos Anthony. Love the twists and turns Elimination spoiler***************************** Not sure why Fuck face Faulkner was all bent out of shape. She put guac on a meatball. Other dude's meatball looked much better. Damn shame Viet ran into Marcel. Lady that made the turkey dirty rice? Say what. Jet is likable, but idk a bit cocky. "you're my friend, but I'm judging off one bit, no feelings."
  3. I'm not gonna flip the switch but it seems like Minny just isn't intimidated by Denver whereas every other team is. They don't seem to give a fuck that they're playing the best player in the world. Easy to say now, but the rest of the Nugs roster is very good, but there are no top 15 players on them. Sum of the parts and all that razz.
  4. Sucks as that area isn't too far from me and I'd like to check it out. I thought they didn't fuck with tourists? Feels like a crime of opportunity and desperation. However, makes me want to visit just a bit less. Got them already
  5. If you had the chance to walk to your car, then you were no longer threatened?
  6. Two Australians and American surfer killed. For tires.  Jfc
  7. Ass beating. Denver feels like that bully that finally got punched in the mouth
  8. Weren’t you the dude that started the thread on killing animals in a fight
  9. I do those Beachbody workouts intermittently. Couple of thoughts: 1 while most are in incredible shape, their bodies rate change over the years. This leads me to believe that unless you’re doing something drastic, our body has a natural peak. 2 the fats that they roll out never lose weight
  10. Just starting. How is this legal?
  11. I guess the big 12 doesn’t run through Abilene after all
  12. That Albertsons on riverside eas always dead
  13. I stuck my thumb in south austin's mom's forest region.
  14. Yep. Hey, I need to get rid of this dog, yeah tried to attack me and my baby. But otherwise, it's really sweet. She's kept it for nearly a year?
  15. Ed Zachary. I think Ross Tucker put it best in that it was a selfish move to ensure they preserve their jobs for two more years rather than make a big run now. nothing against penix. He’s purportedly the one that’s most ready to play. But Atlanta was shocked penix was there at 8 or if they wanted him that bad why not trade up and spend Kirk’s money on other players? fontenot was allegedly threatened by bellichek as well
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