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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by closetohumping

  1. The south still gonna south. Maybe I'm wrong and it's happening at UCLA and UPenn.
  2. Part 2 is on. So the scene where Murtaugh is on the shitter, am I to assume there’s some shit that’s been stewing for 20 hours?
  3. Wonder if Giannis will keep Doc.
  4. Damn sausages are racist as fuck
  5. Mack seemed to have a hard on for colt getting that completion percentage record
  6. Was listening to cowherd and wright. Nick mentioned Quinn as a potential #1 Also mentioned beck but both didn’t think he was top five worthy both of them have said Sanders tweets could hurt him. Nick brought up the Spencer rattler Netflix documentary
  7. You should get the ban hammer
  8. Yea idk zionazi sounds kind of contradictory given what hitler did to them.
  9. Over half the comments are supporting this hag and her dog
  10. You can thank sales gurus for that. "Call CEOs at 5, they're already hustling and will respect your hustle. One call close!"
  11. Were you guys ever fans of the Roxbury skits with Will and Kattan?
  12. Thou shall delete…..but she was the one that brought up nyu
  13. Blockade has more holes than some of Charlie strongs OL
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