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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by closetohumping

  1. Lmao. Denver Harris sighting !!?!
  2. Well yeah. So many rumors that Skip was zesty and gay. This was set up by him to put those rumors to rest. You don't accidentally go live on Instagram like he did. Too many steps involved. Ironic as Skip started the aikman gay rumors. Idk how instagram works but apparently it takes work to go live
  3. But Chad said “at least it was Michelle and not Michael”. How easy is it to accidentally post live on IG
  4. Funny thing is through all of this, Caitlin hasn’t said a snide, sarcastic or unkind remark to her numerous haters. That’s quite a bit of restraint
  5. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/JqFHk3EFX7Wf6FUU/?mibextid=Mk4v2M
  6. It’s almost like some people are actually rooting for that to happen
  7. Someone offering me dj moore or Kirk for Zack moss
  8. In two of my leagues the opposing kicker scored 20+. 2-1 overall had Reed and baker on my bench
  9. CC lives rent free in angels head. She’s the one pushing this.
  10. I have been a long time advocate of lgbtq rights. I didn’t even waiver when a lesbian stole my wallet at hooters
  11. When do you take the voucher to deboard the plane? AA was offering 1250. Million assed
  12. Best wishes to you and your daughter.
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