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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by closetohumping

  1. https://www.texastribune.org/2024/04/29/texas-title-ix-lgbtq-paxton-biden/
  2. Was listening to the Dan Patrick show. Some betting service had Quinn and beck with second best odds to be #1 pick
  3. Why not? It’s not like he’s a shit teammate. I think he’d do well with Luka.
  4. Quinn at #6. Third qb taken. https://withthefirstpick.com/posts/way-too-early-2025-nfl-mock-draft-no-quarterback-at-no-1-but-three-crack-the-top-10-01hwh1z49tk0
  5. Special special place. This thread is making me happy and sad at the same time. May be time to move back.
  6. Not sure if KD has enough juice to put them over the top. I’d like for KDto leave Phoenix though. Maybe he’s best as a two in Dallas.
  7. Soo seems a bit contrived and a try hard
  8. Does Tom have equity in this show? Hard pressed to believe he’s ok with this season i thought they eliminated a pretty talented chef this week. Still gonna watch but again compared to most seasons this has been lackluster
  9. Premise of the challenge was so bad that kirsten had to explain it. Not that the chefs are all that talented but they’re not getting any help. Awful show
  10. You’re from Lubbock. Anything beyond Ned Flanders is weird to you
  11. spoiler nsfw you may see an axe You may see a head as well https://www.facebook.com/reel/767489042155734?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=0VwfS7
  12. So when you bring a buyer to a listing , do you already know what your commission will be? It’s listed in the mls right?
  13. Right but it was a 50/50 split per the post. They both walk with 13k plus. Yes sounds like normal is 6% though I know for higher end homes you don’t get 6. im not a real estate agent. I guess if I’m the buyer agent I take the 13k and move on? If I’m the buyer I may find another agent. the seller agent listed the commission right? As the buyer agent you know walking in what you were gonna get paid and commissions are negotiable. I’ve even heard of buying agent s giving up a portion of commission to close the deal and move on
  14. Not sure. Per the post it was a 50/50 split 13k each side. So on a 500k home the selling agent only paid 2%? Maybe that’s normal for expensive homes and I guess 500k is a lot in the Midwest. Curious what was the verbiage between buyer/buyer agent? Losing 13k over 2700 and your clients is homeless? Meg
  15. Seller accepted another offer? Not sure of their location.
  16. Gave up a 13k commission because they were entitled to 15k? Now they have zero and their client does not have. A home. It’s a world I don’t understand obviously. Also maybe that 2700 delta is important to the clients qualification
  17. Saw this at a real estate group: Long. But worthwhile: Well, I just seen how the new commission structure is going to harm Buyers. We had a $550,000 listing in the MLS and a buyers agent brought a buyer, the agent was unhappy with the split we were offering. Keep in mind that the split was half of the listing commission. The listing agent was making no more money than the buying agent. However, the buying agent had exclusive buyers agent agreement that entitled them to just a little bit more commission(.5%)This offer had about four counter offers and each time the agent asked for the additional commission and the seller said no. All other terms of the contract had been agreed to except for this additional commission meanwhile, another agent come in and wrote a similar price offer without asking for the extra commission. The seller agreed to accept that offer. So this exclusive buyers agency agreement cost the buyer their home and I bet they really didn’t care whether their agent made this additional amount of money. They just wanted the house. as a broker owner I cringed to think of the liability this agent just put her brokerage into with the buyer losing the house over this small amount of commission that they wanted. To expand on the above ; The buyer lost the house because the buyers agent wanted an additional 2750 in commission. The buyers agent was told on three separate counters no. At the end of the day, the buyers agent ended up with a no sale so holding out for an additional 2750 cost the agent the sale and 13750 in commission. I see a lot of comments where they say well I’m worth this or I’m worth that at the end of the day. If you do not get it a closed deal with that buyer you make zero. we all know how hard it is to find homes for buyers in this current market. Their contract might run up with this buyer and they will go elsewhere since they’ve lost a house that they bid full price on and lost due to commission. Also, the seller did not give the buyer the chance to remove this from their last counter offer as they received another offer without that request, so they just accepted the other offer. Maybe if we were in a buyers market these buyers could be requesting all this commission restructured in the contract but in a sellers market it is going to be very difficult.
  18. Lakers have the lead again! most of these games have been boring and lopsided
  19. Having lived in dc and Seattle I’m not sure crabs are worth the hassle
  20. I’m ok with Mel honestly.
  21. Idk who this lady announcing the picks is but she can get it. Unless she’s related to goddell
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