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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by closetohumping

  1. vegas odds favorign Caitlin big time at -2000
  2. They're the two most populous states so to me it would make sense that they're last in grad rate. And let's be honest, probably a lot of illegals compared to other states?
  3. So to me, flyover country is anywhere not in the Northeast and the west coast, California to Oregon. I would take Texas over almost any state in the south or midwest. Most culture, best food, diverse landscape, booming economy, decent COL though most of flyover country may be cheaper. City wise, I'd obviously take Chicago, Miami, MInneapolis and a couple of others over any Texas city, even Austin
  4. Let’s say 8 glasses of wine during week, 8 more during the weekend. I’d bet she goes straight to bed after? Each glass of wine is roughly 100 empty calories?
  5. Be careful with restaurant food. Lots of hidden cals
  6. Yes. I’m not a doctor but I’ve heard type 2s, if they’re strict can basically be off meds
  7. Mail was stolen. Fml. Check your fucking mail every day folks!!!
  8. Can’t wait to read this thread. Have you found fasting and eliminating carbs helpful?
  9. Yep but instead of type cast as long duck dong he plays the Judd Nelson character
  10. Schumer had a private meeting with Joe. Basically asked him to step down. Joe said fuck off
  11. Its like Mack brown said “some people hate us more than they love themselves” and also like Ernest tubbs said “love it or leave it”
  12. Meh. I’d put us over most of flyover country.
  13. I’ve had many thoughts of moving to Austin or Houston. Be close to family get a big ass house, a lot more money in the bank. But can’t pull the trigger
  14. If we hand college station over to Oklahoma we drop to fourth on the list
  15. Only Sf is immune to the heat
  16. Austin has come back down to earth. I did some poking around. A 500k home in cedar park would be 1.9 in Irvine
  17. Sisters are both more powerful than master jedi
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