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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by closetohumping

  1. What was she doing? Maybe I’ll rewatch that part. looked like an aggressive ass move to me. Or maybe sol should’ve sensed it
  2. I’ll finish it. I’ve committed this much time. But yea borderline awful twins mom attacks sol, gets stabbed and then says “I was gonna let Sol go with you”. Doesn’t make sense
  3. Two people come for every one that leaves
  4. This guy banged his assistant coaches wives
  5. This show has had a few of those
  6. To me age is just a number. 82 is the new 52. Joe got this on lock!
  7. Too perky. She has flapjacks
  8. This is south Austin’s mom’s pet. Nickname for me
  9. They live in red country. Their votes don't matter just like mine out here in California. Have them register to vote in Pennsylvania somehow
  10. He pretty much won the last Olympics by himself. Tatum, Dame, Booker, etc, all looked small. Pretty disappointing. Dame and Dray were around 30 then. Younger than KD, but not kids.
  11. I didn’t let the lady in. It wa somewhat sudden and scary. Also some people just wait on the side of the road instead of the cell phone lot
  12. Be prepared to see a lot of African kids with Biden 2024 shirts on. Second thought, you’re right. Joe got this!!!
  13. Unless Don dies I don’t see a win here. Guy can murder someone and he’d still win
  14. So Caitlin had a chance to elevate the league and declined? Selfish
  15. Soccer mom in a ford expedition carrying to cross three lanes of traffic at the airport. Of course I’m in the last lane and honk to avoid getting hit. No wave, no my bad just “I need to be in that lane!” Then you should’ve been in that lane lady
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