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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by closetohumping

  1. Probably fake news but https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-shock-poll-new-mexico-1920102
  2. More ammo for Trump. Even joes own party wants him out
  3. Liberal weather apps adding 20 degrees to Texas cities only
  4. Says the heat index is 95. What part of ft worth is this
  5. I’m. It sure their winters are much colder than ours
  6. I remember one year they had a huge track and field event there and it was similar to this. But normally:
  7. You don’t think Oregon has hot girls? They get a lot of the girls from California who couldn’t get into the UC schools. Probably better ratio than us as they aren’t an academic school.
  8. This ain’t bitter grapes. Would love to have Moore but we good at wr for a long ass time
  9. I believed Joe was too old before. I thought there were signs. He more than confirmed it during the debate though. Head cold be damned
  10. These people are dumb and cnbc are Trump supporters in disguise!!
  11. yea Far be it for me to disagree with Elon but I must’ve gotten lucky No issues for me didn’t find any human or animal feces
  12. Was there past month. Gorgeous place. And people seemed to be having fun and not worried about col hurting their lives. 🤷
  13. To me Charlie strong would be someone who is a good governor and bad president
  14. Or she’s the rifle armed qb with a bad mullet, mustache and attitude. Of course her potential opponent is Tanya harding
  15. Steve and Tracy Targaryen rider of dragons jim Targaryen, first of his name, lord of the andels
  16. Yep. If it’s Kamala you need a white man as vp. We’re pushing g our luck with a black female as is
  17. https://x.com/simonateba/status/1808860350671904937?s=46
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