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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by closetohumping

  1. Assholes that knowingly block an intersection
  2. Can any of these teams pay Klay over 25m? That’s his number I think. PG opted out of 48m. So someone is going to pay this guy but not gsw
  3. Even if it were a cold do you want a president who responds like that to a cold?
  4. Pedestrians that cross against the light also ebikers. They suck
  5. Clark’s biggest enemies are other women. Ironic. Have I said that before?
  6. I’m sure the assistants were taken care of and I’m also sure the assistants have signed contracts, with out clauses for hc roles. CDC doesn’t miss details
  7. Last year Abmas was our closer. Last shot to tie or win, who is that guy? Johnson?
  8. There are clips out there though. Some dems in here are being willfully ignorant. But hey Joe has done right where he wants him.
  9. Wow looks like we just landed a couple of solid transfers
  10. Irrelevant. Looks like it’s ride or die with Biden time
  11. Maybe we should get a middle aged man or woman instead?
  12. He’s 82 and a lifelong politician. He’s been president for four years.
  13. It’s glorious 😉 Do blacks actually care about Kamala. I think they’re smart enough to see the end goal
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