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Burnt Ends
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Im_smarter_then_you last won the day on July 22 2023

Im_smarter_then_you had the most liked content!


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About Im_smarter_then_you

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  1. Welp. Irving Meyers said on of the things that is hurting sheduers stock is that he plays in a shit conference
  2. These fucks want to charge for bags now? I’m out
  3. Yes. This is far worse than I thought
  4. Kind of ironic that liberals are Elon's main customers. Now, he needs conservatives to *gasp* buy EVs
  5. This is madness
  6. Imagine paying 8.5% more for the same ticket next year
  7. Look at president trump creating buying opportunities for the middle class!!
  8. I agree. I thought getting to the sweet sixteen got him the job. As in once he got there it was over
  9. At first I agreed with your last paragraph but in his aight that was the best moment to go big. No buyout for beard. Of course we didn’t have to buyout Rodney’s contract either. So essentially a very cheap transaction.
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