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Everything posted by Chrispy

  1. Looking back at the incident, I’m honestly more shocked by what didn’t happen. A group of 16 year olds and not one punch was thrown, I (or any of my friends) would not have been so smart.
  2. Little Nicky’s about to get paid, well done kiddo.
  3. Happy President’s Day you filthy animals.
  4. By 2050? Yes, extremely difficult.
  5. In the United States? Lulz ok.
  6. I do, but that sucker is facing his middle finger. Ok, I’ll shut up about golf now.
  7. Most golfers have calluses, myself included, but I’ve never seen damage like that before. Especially on the outside of the hand, very bizarre.
  8. SE, please help my Cupp runneth over.
  9. It would take a very brave man to put his dick anywhere near those chompers.
  10. I keep seeing percentages being thrown around as if they’re not entirely subjective, which only seems to blur the line of demarcation between male and female. For instance, BT stated that a trans woman was, for all intents and purposes, 99.99% female in his estimation. Possibly if one were to rely solely on visuals, then this would almost certainly be true, but even a cursory glance under the surface would dispel such an illusion rather quickly. I’m interested on getting precise numbers of when the actual tipping point is reached. By that I mean, if one’s sex is an accumulation of traits (biological or learned), at what point on the spectrum does effeminate men end and actual women begin? One merely feeling that they’re projecting the requisite attributes to claim a sex is a position that shouldn’t be taken seriously by an objective observer. Given that we’re not discussing the altering of chromosomes or replacing entire reproductive systems, I’m genuinely curious if there’s any agreement that can actually become of this discussion. It’s very possible that medical breakthroughs in the future will render this discussion pointless, but that’s not within grasp at this moment.
  11. Oh c’mon, the flat earth bit was funny.
  12. Damnit, my hands have more girth than length.
  13. Luckily for me, it’s hip to be square. As long as both parties know the score, more power to you.
  14. It’s all fun and games until you check underneath the hood.
  15. It didn’t take very long for the transgender thread to transition.
  16. Some seek validation through this imaginary reputation, I’m simply not one of them. Although, I must admit to some minor enjoyment when noticing all of the effort you put into creating socks. You seem to have deemed yourself the Surly hall monitor and, well, it’s clearly a role you take very seriously. I do, however, apologize for mentioning Fantana’s fatherless home, I will steer clear of that sensitive topic from now on.
  17. Wait, aren’t you the weirdo posting pictures from your stepfather’s house? Helps me understand the anger issues I suppose.
  18. Everyone knows the real men are behind Surly keyboards. I sweatergawd some of you are one step away from cutting your fuckin’ ear off.
  19. Herman gone gray, damn.
  20. Wait a minute, would dressing up as Michael Jackson be considered black face?
  21. I tried to tell him, but jocks don’t listen to nerds.
  22. I’ve never read up on this QAnon deal, but I’m always looking for good reading material for my throne time.
  23. EJ is reporting that he feels we hold on to Shepard, but that Lakia seems more drawn to the SEC.
  24. Well, you’re assuming that I’m of the belief that I’m entirely objective and rational. I’m just as prone to my mammalian failings as the rest of this board. My family situation is administration proof, so that gives me the ability to be less emotionally invested than many on this board. Many of these “cataclysmic” events that litter these threads merely warrant a insouciant shrug from individuals such as myself. Also, I can’t remember being called smart, it was mostly “gifted” or something along those lines. But honestly, just get outside and take a walk, things are great.
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