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Everything posted by Chrispy

  1. Yep, we threw up our middle finger towards Washington and voted for Trump. It was an amazing feeling and I will likely do the same in 2020.
  2. What, you have a problem with Creole women?
  3. I’m saying you guys got duped.
  4. This administration has more leaks than a men’s bathroom at halftime and about 10 tell-all books, but yet this “collusion” still remains elusive. Suuuure.
  5. Infanticide to own the conservatives, how fucking disgusting.
  6. Some assimilate and some don’t. My hometown is around 50% Hispanic and there are areas where English is not spoken. It’s predictably very poor with no chance of attaining a better life. It was actually pretty stunning at my high school graduation when they rattled off all of these kids names from the ESL classes that we had never even seen before. I felt bad for them because I knew they were screwed.
  7. Gotcha, I just follow recruiting much more than I should and haven’t any names at all on the grad transfer front. But like Machinator said, maybe this is a discussion that’s more appropriate later in the spring.
  8. So, the plan is to roll with the current RB’s and hope that a) Ingram doesn’t get banged up or b) that either Whittington or Brown are as good as advertised? Young has been unimpressive and Johnson is a non-factor, so I’m shocked they’re not adding depth at that position.
  9. Mother of god, it takes a strong man to leave that behind.
  10. Understood, my comment was mostly tongue in cheek. Although, I must admit I would find the optics of securing a soft landing spot for the “recruiter of the year” somewhat amusing.
  11. https://247sports.com/Season/2019-Football/CompositeCoachRankings/ Wow, don’t tell CTJ.
  12. I just read a seriously interesting theory on Gigem247: EJ is actually a secret bagman.
  13. Apparently another USC WR, Keyshawn Young, is also transferring.
  14. Well, certainly not with that attitude I’m not.
  15. My confidence is based on reading the horror stories dealing with transition regret.
  16. No, transitioning isn’t the right decision for everyone. Until they actually take the plunge, it’s tough to tell if it’s just a phase.
  17. Well, these individuals are very susceptible to suicide and it’s not uncommon for them to abandon the idea of transitioning altogether. I feel inclined to use kid gloves and call them what they prefer, but I also don’t want to encourage someone to transition that will ultimately regret it.
  18. If asked politely, sure that’s a distinct possibility. My only point was that it would be an easier exercise if they have actually transitioned. Otherwise, my feeling is that indulging such a fantasy could actually do more harm than good.
  19. I’m under no illusion in regard to Trump, but I’d rather not derail this thread.
  20. Well, it matters because you’re asking me to pretend you’re the other sex, and pretending is not one of my strengths. But this is only a general rule and can certainly be flexible depending on the situation. Of course, this is all hypothetical due to the fact that I’ve never had a conversation with a transgender and not likely to anytime soon.
  21. This is usually where I find myself because I don’t want to hurt any feelings. But if they have a 5 o’clock shadow and a deeper voice than me, it’s rather difficult. On the other hand, if they willingly slice off their member, maybe they’ve earned a new pronoun? If only there was a way to tell.
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