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Everything posted by Chrispy

  1. TFB just put up an insider note saying that both freshman QB’s have explored transferring. We may need to sign another QB in this class if true.
  2. Chrispy


    This veteran has raised 12 million dollars for a border wall, pretty amazing stuff. https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/nation/2018/12/20/triple-amputee-military-vet-raises-million-trumps-border-wall-four-days/
  3. Didn’t this guy work for Horns247 at some point? Seems he’s gone full Branch Davidian.
  4. Et tu, Bru?
  5. Chrispy


    Major win for Trump. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/catch-and-return-us-asylum-seekers-immigrants-migrant-caravan-wait-mexico-2018-12-20-live-update/
  6. Oh, it’s just good natured ribbing. I have family all over the LA area, from Malibu to Bakersfield. It’s a great place to visit, I just couldn’t imagine living there.
  7. California: where texting is a human right. Lulz. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/12/fcc-forces-california-to-drop-plan-for-government-fees-on-text-messages/
  8. Yikes, time for some Ritalin my man.
  9. One of my closest friends is half Iranian, he comes over fairly regularly.
  10. So, what exactly does Drayton do again?
  11. Not all democrats are drug addicts David, many are, but not all.
  12. I feel badly for economic migrants and understand their plight, but they should not be given asylum.
  13. Ha, honestly it’s rare that I catch more than 15 or 20 minutes of his show per week. I just happened to watch Tucker’s intro last night strangely.
  14. Well, 3 children under 5 can be exhausting. We’re unsure of a 4th just yet, but we’ve got to do our part to keep the Republican Party youthful.
  15. She’s welcome to leave, I’ve already explained to her that my chidren’s next Mom will be in her 20’s.
  16. Surly has despised Tucker long before this latest outrage, so no, I wouldn’t expect anything other than this vitriol.
  17. I’ve been called worse. She’s not a cable news person by any stretch. But if we get the kids down in a timely manner we’ll catch Tucker from time to time.
  18. He seemed to be referencing the large group of migrants in these caravans that are living in their own filth and wreaking havoc on Tijuana.
  19. Meh, she’s more sensitive to feelings in general. If she didn’t perk up her ears, then this seems blown out of proportion.
  20. Rest easy everyone, the offended Twitter mob is out for blood. I watched this live and didn’t think twice about his comments, nor did my wife for that matter.
  21. My in-laws are going to Israel next summer and are looking for restaurant recommendations, etc. If anyone on this thread has been there, I’m all ears.
  22. Unrest in the QB room? I would guess Thompson.
  23. Wiltfong told EJ that Mizzou still feels confident on Washington.
  24. Chrispy


  25. Chrispy


    I guess they should have marched her like her parents.
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