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Everything posted by Chrispy

  1. Nice contribution, would read again.
  2. Chrispy


    https://thehill.com/policy/defense/415777-army-secretary-troops-getting-training-out-of-trumps-border-deployment?amp The logistics alone should keep them fairly busy, along with some useful training.
  3. Chrispy


    https://thehill.com/latino/415875-migrant-caravan-to-leave-mexico-city-for-us-border They’ve escaped their home country and are safe in Mexico City, but 5,000 of them are still determined to reach our border. Our troops are going to be busy.
  4. Good to hear, just ordered a copy on Amazon.
  5. Like I said, see you later Accosted, don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. More questions and less virtue signaling my man.
  6. I’m used to politicians lying, that comes with the territory, but this is a spectacular failure by the Republicans.
  7. The Republican’s acquiescence on this issue is a total embarrassment.
  8. So the Democrats can avoid looking into the mirror.
  9. Nobody’s perfect.
  10. That indicates to you that I would fire for any perceived infraction? Really? Or was it a statement that if any unruly mob were to set their sights on my home and family, completely unprovoked, that they better understand the Castle Doctrine? Which, of course, requires one of these knuckleheads to forcibly enter my residence.
  11. Bait whom exactly? I was responding to a post mentioning this particular group coming to my home and putting my family at risk. I certainly value life, I just value my family’s lives more.
  12. We could find some common ground on starting a war for strictly political purposes or on a whim based on flimsy intelligence, to be sure. War is a last resort, but absolutely necessary at times. So, the difficult part for individuals will be sifting through the information and figuring out whether it is justified, and unfortunately Trump and the media are short on credibility. I do know that if Trump utters the phrase “nation building” then I’m officially out.
  13. Well, I hope they’re keenly aware of the Castle Doctrine.
  14. Well, I’m certainly not trying to reassure you. I’m also not quite sure that’s entirely possible due to your insistence on fretting over a vividly constructed hypothetical situation that has yet to come to fruition. I’m sorry to give you the impression that I’m waffling in my position, but the reality is that there are justified reasons to go to war also, and that needs to be taken into consideration. You’ve mentioned Iran a couple of times, so let’s just they go beyond rhetoric and actually decide to wipe Israel off the map, are we not obligated to intervene? I’ve already stated my position on an unprovoked war, but that’s simply not the only scenario one needs to ponder.
  15. Mr. Accosted can virtue signal somewhere else, he’ll be fine. I doubt such heathens could manage my neighborhood security, but I suppose I would feel somewhat honored if they deemed me worthy of their vandalism. Also, McRib? Gross.
  16. Jim Accosted had his privilege revoked? I can’t believe I’m just hearing this, great news.
  17. I believe this board overestimates the amount of people that are lobotomized sycophants. The conservatives in my circle can easily disregard much of Trump’s rhetoric, which is admittedly wearing thin on all of us, and focus on his actions. The media should take my unsolicited advice and keep their disdain of Trump voters to a minimum, because as deplorable as we may seem, we’re also very perceptive. When used correctly, the media is a very necessary tool in protecting its citizenry. But once it starts surreptitiously pushing values, it has become something entirely else and worthy of distrust. But again, I would need to see the events leading up to this hypothetical war before determining what line has or hasn’t been crossed. I’ve revisited my view on the Iraq war on many occasions and it’s important to put things into proper context, meaning post 9/11. There were many, myself included, that were out for blood and we didn’t care whose it was. Much like in Vietnam when a platoon was wiped out in a 5 minute skirmish, only to have the enemy slip back into the bush and throw on civilian clothing. They ended up taking it out in the villagers, many who were enemy of course, but most who weren’t. They were angrily swinging at ghosts most of the time and my support of the Iraq war feels eerily similar when I find myself reminiscing. It wasn’t right then and it isn’t right today, hopefully now that my youthful bravado has faded, I’ll be able to properly diagnose such a mistake in the future.
  18. I was unaware of those statistics, pretty shocking actually. My comment was mainly based on anecdotal evidence, as a broken hip did in my Nana. RIP Nana.
  19. Well, at least it wasn’t a hip.
  20. Like I said, it depends on the situation. A completely unprovoked war? Yes, I think I’ve learned my lesson from my support of the Iraq war. The pee tapes I can’t take seriously. Excuse my brevity, but I’m going to take my family out to dinner and time is fairly limited.
  21. I was under the impression a few of your scenarios were intentionally hyperbolic for comedic purposes. A war? With whom and under what circumstances? Pee tapes? Yawn. Russian collusion? It’s about time the Democrats stop this charade and accept responsibility for Trump winning.
  22. Is that the one where they eat their own feces? I chose not to watch it because, well, some things can not be unseen. Of course there’s a line in a cult; if they start passing around cups of Kool-Aid, head for the exits.
  23. It’s a bit like pornography I suppose, I’ll know it when I see it.
  24. America won.
  25. Beto seemed like a nice guy, just too liberal for Texas.
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