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Everything posted by Chrispy

  1. Sounds like the Hispanics in Dodge City weren’t going to vote anyway.
  2. Brisket could’ve chosen any location or format for his nervous breakdown, but he chose Surly. I, for one, think we should be thanking him.
  3. Agreed. As a Cruz supporter, I think this is a mistake. Then again, maybe he’s privy to internal polling that has deemed the townhall an unnecessary risk.
  4. “Portland is a city where young people go to retire.” Holy shit that’s funny.
  5. Wait, is this outrage real? I never can tell anymore.
  6. Damn, I’m hungry all of a sudden.
  7. Truthfully, I only think she stays because I’m hung like a horse.
  8. No one does, it’s a forecast.
  9. We have 2 kids under 3 at the moment, so if she has the energy for that consider me impressed.
  10. Oh damn, I thought you knew something I didn’t.
  11. I’m not sure I follow. Are you suggesting that predicting a recession is easy?
  12. Actually, I liked your post before the edit. I think you made a great point about those good times. I understand the apprehension towards the trade war, retirement of baby boomers, and that the tax cuts may run their course by late 2020. Some feel way and others are more bullish, such as Warren Buffett.
  13. During good times, the best strategy is to sell the scary and uncertain future. Like I said, I applaud your strategy.
  14. Which is why I don’t blame Brisket, it works.
  15. It works, which is why both sides employ the tactic. The economists agree on the indicators that could cause a recession, such as inflation, trade conflicts, or higher energy prices. What indicator pushes us into a recession? They can’t tell you. What year? Most say 2020, it’s possible I suppose. You frighten too easily.
  16. Again, you’re being an alarmist, and that’s ok. We’ll be fine, but preaching fire and brimstone catches more ears, so I get your strategy.
  17. Hey, I’m just quoting that article in The Economist. Brisket is trembling in fear and I feel it’s unwarranted.
  18. Dude, you can say the “N” word now.
  19. Wait, they’re predicting a recession? Maybe their next issue will tell us the sun will come up tomorrow. The article you linked said that banks are more resilient than a decade ago and the chance of a downturn that severe is low. I really think you need medication.
  20. That sounds bogus at first blush, but maybe there are extenuating circumstances in his situation. Most tribes require 25% and I’m not sure that DNA testing reveals what tribe you belong to, unless it has evolved since I last took the test.
  21. Hard to tell, some psychopath follows me around and says my avatar raped a woman in Revenge of the Nerds, so I’m complicit in rape. It takes all kinds I suppose.
  22. http://www.minddisorders.com/Ob-Ps/Paranoid-personality-disorder.html
  23. Sorry about your neighbor, sounds like you live in a bad neighborhood. Smart people strive to make their family situation administration proof, at least to the best of their abilities. Your insistence to characterize Trump voters as red necks that could eat corn on the cob through a picket fence will continue to serve your side poorly, so thank you.
  24. I never claimed he was a fiscal conservative. I’d love for that to change, but neither party offers such a platform. While liberal hysteria is entertaining at times, I’ve mostly had my fill.
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