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Everything posted by Chrispy

  1. It seems you wacko libs watch more Fox than us red team folks. Oh well, thanks I guess.
  2. No time today, I got a tee time to catch before the olds start their 2nd round of the day and clutter up the course.
  3. One moment the country is over and you’re sipping whisky on the ledge, the next moment these younger generations are going to swoop in and hold us accountable. Sheesh, you’re all over the place.
  4. Oh, I won’t indoctrinate them because that tactic often has the opposite effect. Of course, they’re all under 5 so Trump will not be an hot button issue in their social circle. They will, however, go through a liberal stage as we all do, before we all grow up and accumulate some wealth. And that’s ok with me. I’m too affable to be hated and my charm can be a curse at times. It’s the price one pays for being good looking I suppose. Of course I know I’ll die alone, we all do. I plan on going peacefully in my sleep, but the others in car, well...
  5. The state takes care of them, you already answered your question.
  6. We’re not discussing deporting citizens, only illegal aliens.
  7. Well, great news Brisket, I don’t want them in detention camps either. Deportation suits me just fine.
  8. As long as you understand how dumb that tweet was, I’m good. Have a great day Hayden.
  9. We purposely keep dogs in cages, they own no toothbrushes or soap, and we kill thousands daily. He’s a retard.
  10. Jesus, my solution eh? Nazis are always marching in y’alls heads, what a miserable life.
  11. Am I mocking these migrant children or the retarded Shaun King tweet? Hmmm, interesting.
  12. Brian, please keep this quiet because I don’t want the police getting involved, but I have yet to buy my dog a toothbrush.
  13. This nation euthanizes thousands of dogs every single day, god what a fucking moron.
  14. I don’t worship them, but yes that’s a huge problem in our party.
  15. Uh huh, I’ll just explain to my wife and kids that daddy will be gone a few weeks hunting down whomever picked his orange. I sure hope you didn’t procreate David.
  16. Naw, I’ll never experience that. Life has always been very good and I expect the same for my offspring. I’m sure they’ll be just as against illegal immigration if I raise them correctly.
  17. Death isn’t my bag, but deportations, well that’s a different story.
  18. No kidding, Trump got my hopes up and now im sitting here with blue balls.
  19. So are these mass ICE deportations still on or naw?
  20. Except for two positions of course, D-line and RB.
  21. It’s hyperbole. Your inability to distinguish between this and reality portends a dreary future filled with sanitariums. Although I have heard that some orderlies will indulge fantasies, so you might be in luck.
  22. Well, um yeah, this current reality show is extremely entertaining. I wonder is this changes when he’s gone or if all of the hyperbole is here to stay. I guess we’ll see.
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