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Everything posted by Chrispy

  1. I want to attribute the comment to Bill Maher for some reason. I used to watch his show with my college roommate and that stuck with me.
  2. People tend to get conservative in the voting booth, so the Republican Party will be just fine. Predictions of its demise are amusing, but hardly rooted in reality.
  3. We’ll see I suppose.
  4. I don’t know if she’s being unreasonable as I haven’t heard what she deems to be fair. Excuse me if I don’t give the Democrats the benefit of the doubt, they’re playing hardball.
  5. I would need to see her conditions before agreeing to those terms.
  6. Again, I’m forced to tautology, but safety wasn’t her only consideration. I’m curious to see the terms and that’s reasonable.
  7. No, it says “fair terms” and I’m curious what that means. You’re being unnecessarily argumentative.
  8. You need to read her attorney’s statement again, that wasn’t her only consideration.
  9. I can’t wait to hear these conditions.
  10. Well, DWI and Burglary. But yes, it was tongue in cheek.
  11. I think we all know the reason he’s wary of the police.
  12. Yeah right, I can’t get him to take me anywhere anymore.
  13. Our friendship began well before Shaggy’s inception. I do remember him talking incessantly about a bet he had with some guy about the election results. I really only read the recruiting thread at the time because politics weren’t on my radar, times seemed much simpler. I’m sincerely not trying to troll you, but this will my last post on the matter as my attempts to cajole you are becoming increasingly boring.
  14. I’m a troll because a good friend of mine posts on this site as well? You are a fascinating creature.
  15. He’s actually a really sweet guy, but it’s not my job to defend him. He understands he crossed the line this time.
  16. No, I’m sorry but you’re incorrect.
  17. Well, kinda. He eventually reached the requisite -100 votes to be banned, but a conversation between him and a mod took a wayward turn as well.
  18. I talked to him yesterday, he was banned twice.
  19. I think this is the guy that made that infamous presidency bet with my buddy VMW. Hence his obsession with Trump.
  20. Kavanaugh is prepping for her to show up, so he certainly won’t be caught off guard. As of now, Ford is passing on her opportunity.
  21. I don’t think so, I believe they’re going to proceed now that she is backing out.
  22. He’s had several, but sure, they can do another one after his confirmation.
  23. No rush, she declined the opportunity to defend her story, it’s time to move to forward.
  24. She had her chance to defend her story, now it’s time to continue with the confirmation.
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