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Everything posted by Chrispy

  1. That sounds reasonable, which means it won’t be done.
  2. If the burden of proof can’t be met, then he should be confirmed.
  3. A billionaire is going to be the subject of many frivolous allegations, but 20 is a lot to defend. Kavanaugh has 1, so the situations couldn’t be more different.
  4. Something happened, that’s too much smoke.
  5. I’m admittedly not up to date on all of Trump’s accusers.
  6. No, you said 12 plus, which I feel strains credulity.
  7. It seems you’re advocating the position that all accusers are telling the truth, that’s just not the way it works. 10+ is a horrible number to have next to your name and makes me lean towards some impropriety.
  8. A quick google search told me a few, but I would have to research those claims as I’m not up to date on those.
  9. I only know the Monica Lewinsky (is that how you spell it?) saga, I really have no clue.
  10. Well, some have recanted, so I’m unclear on how many still remain. I would have to do some research on the topic for sure, it hasn’t been on my radar.
  11. Something along the lines of eyewitness I suppose, since we’re not getting any DNA.
  12. Oh man, that was before my time.
  13. No, I’m not. I’m asking for proof of sexual assault, that’s it. But I’m being told that the accusation is all the matters, which is total nonsense.
  14. Oh man, this is a can of worms. But no, I don’t.
  15. I agree with some of what you’re saying, but it’s a serious charge and requires serious evidence. You’re supposed to prove guilt, not the other way around.
  16. To her story.
  17. I have no issue with this particular stance.
  18. How? They weren’t there, it’s still only her word.
  19. No, I did it a few times at first, but I realized how meaningless it was.
  20. They were there in the early 80’s?
  21. I tried to find where he was guilty of perjury, but I couldn’t find anything.
  22. It’s possible her testimony would be enough for me, but unlikely. I think that if anyone corroborated her story I would be more inclined to believe her.
  23. I’m not as malleable as some wish me, to be sure, but I only try to disregard he most outlandish claims.
  24. I don’t neg anyone that I disagree with on this board.
  25. I have a different worldview than you do, that’s not being a troll. But I understand the need to dismiss those who disagree, it’s a common defense mechanism. I say if it makes you feel better, then have at it.
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