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Everything posted by Chrispy

  1. Sorry, that’s just not very convincing. I see you’re negging all my posts, you’re such a crybaby. I love it.
  2. Circumstantial at best.
  3. Good question, there’s a reason there’s a statute of limitations. Our memories serve us terribly.
  4. That’s all it takes? What a time to be alive.
  5. Just show me the proof, no need to get snippy.
  6. I’m not getting into those details, suffice it to say that you’re more sensitive than you portray yourself. And that’s ok.
  7. Yes, I need more evidence.
  8. No, I think the Democrats will make it as big of a circus as they possibly can. If she accepts the invite of course.
  9. I’m not going to go after you, Jimmy. I know how you like to get the moderators involved.
  10. Sounds like a bad episode of Law & Order.
  11. A lie detector? Really?
  12. I thought so.
  13. Show me the evidence and I’ll hang him with you.
  14. If it happened, you’re right. I was more referring to the timetable of the supposed assault.
  15. I disagree, I wouldn’t put this in the same ballpark as Clarence Thomas. If he didn’t do anything wrong, he shouldn’t withdraw.
  16. You have no idea if it happened, you’re being silly.
  17. Wrong, I’d get out of jury duty well before then.
  18. Not if I was on the jury, you’re correct.
  19. It’s possibe, but I’m going to need more to tarnish a man’s reputation and career.
  20. It’s funny, my friend was kicked off this site for such comments. But he’s a conservative, so it’s different.
  21. Well, you’re simply reading something into my statement that isn’t there. My issue was stating that he’s guilty of assault for simply being at this supposed party.
  22. I said what? I think you need to go back and read my post again, I’m not trying to be mean, but I’m not sure you understand what was said.
  23. I appreciate your reasoning as it’s well thought out, but your entire basis for such a conclusion is that 1 is correct, and that’s an unknown. If you can’t prove 1, the rest is circumstantial.
  24. You know this happened how?
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