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Everything posted by Chrispy

  1. I suppose it’s possible, but I doubt it.
  2. Not really, no. I pay very little attention to other men’s clothing.
  3. No, I don’t believe so.
  4. Yes, his “your yard would look way better with a Beto sign, harhar” shtick was in complete jest. He’s a sweet guy, but he has the social awareness of an individual with Aspergers.
  5. Actually, he’s a white guy. Somewhat nerdy but affable. Some of it was in jest, but the insinuation was crystal clear.
  6. If they’re here legally, I’m not sure why they’d have an issue with me.
  7. I’ve already said no, I’m not sure what else you would like me to say. We’re not going to agree on our immigration stances, no worries.
  8. No, I feel sorry for him. I also don’t want anyone punished, only deported.
  9. First of all, I would venture to guess that my skin is most likely darker than both you and your father’s, so I know a bit about this particular subject. People speak Spanish to me just about every day of my life, and I get a kick when they realize I’m merely a gringo. I’m sorry that your father has to provide identification, I truly am.
  10. I think you’re confused, I’ve never condoned mistreatment of American citizens.
  11. I think I’ve been very clear on this matter. If he’s an American citizen, I think that’s awful.
  12. No, of course not.
  13. Your father sounds like a good man, but I fear he would be horribly embarrassed by his son’s Internet tantrum.
  14. If illegal aliens are not seeking asylum or a refugee, pursuance of expedited removal is reasonable under the 1996 law. They don’t need to fall under the purview of the DOJ to perform that task in my estimation.
  15. I read an article in which Sarah Saldana, the previous I.C.E director, maintains that it’s only a third of the budget. Either way, scrapping HSI to punish the ERO is nonsensical and most have backed off that stance. I’m not sure why they would need to be under the DOJ, they’ve signed MOU’s to increase communication and information sharing between the agencies.
  16. There was INS, before it was divided into 3 specialized departments.
  17. Only a third of the I.C.E budget goes to immigration enforcement, much of what they do is investigative work regarding child exploitation, military arms proliferation, human trafficking, etc. You’ll likely see the rallying cry to abolish I.C.E continue to wane, as most realize it’s a foolish endeavor.
  18. Please, you’ve been sending me personal messages for weeks.
  19. Well, that would certainly be ideal. It’s never been hip to be conservative, much less a Republican, and I don’t expect that to change anytime soon. Hell, there are posters that follow me around and neg my posts because I’m not voting for Beto, it’s quite sad really. But, then again, maybe it serves as a cathartic release for them.
  20. I figured that if you guys could buy such a fantastic tale, then I surely could weave this plot into a short story. I’m also working on material involving the guy that waters his yard too often and the lady who obsesses over school bus routes.
  21. They’re a tolerant group, you see, if you would simply conform to their beliefs. My neighbor has asked me no less than 5 times to put a Beto sign in my yard, but I’ve politely declined thus far. He’s also the resident stop and chat guy, so I’m pondering a Cruz sign to see if he’ll leave me alone.
  22. Well thought out and reasoned response, much appreciated. I completely understand the desire for immigration accessibility, but vetting takes time and our system is overwhelmed to the point that it may not be feasible. I’ve said on this thread that the Republicans may have to cut their losses and realize that a form of amnesty is the only realistic approach. It sounds like you’re arguing for more precision and less waste at the federal level, I think that’s a worthwhile endeavor. I do think, however, think that you may be downplaying the role of I.C.E., especially if you’re comparing what they encounter to loitering. You’re not just dealing with illegal crossings, it can get very complicated when it involves drugs or human trafficking. One has to be properly trained to handle such sensitive matters. Then comes the burden of logistics, from where would you divert resources? Dissolving I.C.E would hinder the aforementioned goals of less waste in my estimation.
  23. I have no issue with passion, but this particular individual has zero interest in an actual discussion.
  24. You’re very adept at ad hominem attacks, I’ll grant you that much.
  25. I never have any idea what you’re talking about.
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