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Everything posted by Chrispy

  1. Any time, babe.
  2. I have zero clue as to the demographics of the show, but I absolutely agree with you. There are few things in this world that women enjoy more than the tearing apart of another woman’s appearance.
  3. Agreed, autoerotic asphyxiation is on the rise.
  4. Of course she repudiates the blog posts, she has yet to admit she wrote them. It’s a clever tactic, I have to admit, and the lobotomized sycophants continue to entertain such nonsense.
  5. I’m afraid you’ve set yourself up for a lot of disappointment, good luck you.
  6. Thanks for the imagery, Hank. I suspect I’ll look back and feel many emotions, although I’d expect embarrassment to be pretty far down the list.
  7. Oh Hank, not you too.
  8. I’ve heard this same drivel for years and it never comes to fruition.
  9. I never tire of individuals regaling us about the imminent death of the GOP.
  10. Chrispy


    A Roseanne reboot without Roseanne? Sounds like a winner.
  11. I’ve had few people mention Swam to me, he seems to be infamous around these parts. Anyway, it’s all good my man.
  12. I never denigrated Obama for the unemployment rate, in fact I just gave him credit. You’re constructing some narrative in your head that just isn’t there. Today’s report is good news, enjoy it.
  13. These are definitely good times.
  14. Absolutely, although that seems to be a extremely difficult, multilayered problem.There seems to be a lack of consensus of what is causing the rates to fall unfortunately. But an unemployment rate this low is good news for everyone, even for the most cynical.
  15. Trump hysteria aside, I absolutely believe Obama deserves some credit. My statement was not necessarily an endorsement of Trump, even though I feel he deserves credit as well, as much as it was to bring some optimism to the board for a change.
  16. Unemployment fell to 3.8%, very impressive. Some believe it could fall to 3% by the end of 2019, which would rival the levels of 1953 during the economic boom post World War II. Looks like some good times ahead gents, happy Friday.
  17. Chrispy


    Every question that you asked was answered in my post that you quoted. Also, I’m not entirely sure you understand what Mea Culpa means, as it requires one to acknowledge one’s own wrongdoing. She remains adamant that she wasn’t responsible for the homophobic posts, so spare me.
  18. Chrispy


    He was bombing, very badly in fact, and somebody in the audience let him know about it. I’m fairly certain his rant was fueled by embarrassment because he knew the heckler was right. There’s a fine line between being funny and being offensive, and he jumped over it by a wide margin. It’s actually pretty sad to watch him talk about it, as it appears to have broken him.
  19. Chrispy


    I’ve considered Russian order brides if my marriage were to ever disintegrate, but that’s about as far as that connection goes.
  20. Chrispy


    Marching orders, troll, idiots, it’s all the same rhetoric used to invalidate one’s opinions. It’s not a very effective tool, but one that is easily accessible and cuts about as deep as a butter knife. I rather enjoy debates and try to dissuade myself from using derogatory language, although I’m not immune from succumbing to such behavior. I come here to sharpen my arguments and generally enjoy reading the opposite point of view. So in that vein, if I strayed the topic too far off topic, I do apologize.
  21. Chrispy


    Meh, you have to do better than that BT. Simply using phrases such as troll doesn’t relieve you of the responsibility of pointing out my untrue statements. It’s an easier path and I understand why you chose it, but it’s ultimately lazy.
  22. Chrispy


    Well, you obviously scanned over the content fairly quickly, so I’ll forgive your ignorance. My original assertion was that Roseanne should have used Reid’s defense that she was hacked, as there is precedent for it being effective. It then spiraled into certain posters defending Reid’s comments, which I found to be disturbing and felt it would be inappropriate not to address.
  23. Chrispy


    She repudiated the tenor of the comments that she claimed to have never made, how big of her. It caught up to Roseanne, rightfully so in my opinion, but Reid will face no such consequences. As evidenced by the disingenuous town hall in which she’s allowed a platform to preach the dangers of bigotry, without a hint of irony. You suggest it’s simply time that is the reason for the differences, however; I feel you’re, at best, being conned.
  24. Chrispy


    I’m sorry, but you’re unfortunately incorrect. While her method of delivery was not Twitter, the remarks were equally disgusting. Suggesting that “adult gay men tended to be attracted to very young, post-pubescent types” or calling Gov. Charlie Christ gay and naming him “miss Charlie”, while insisting his marriage was a sham, are absolutely slurs. Hell, she admitted in her blog that she was “probably homophobic”. Er, I mean the hacker admitted as much. There are different standards and it’s abundantly clear you’re ok with them. I expected far better banter from you, you’re slipping BT.
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