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Everything posted by Chrispy

  1. Ugh, that’s really shitty.
  2. Time for a special counsel, I’m sure everyone will accept their findings.
  3. After listening to Schiff this morning, it seems the Democrats are hell bent on turning this Trump victory into a massacre. What dummies.
  4. If I have to take a grenade for the team, so be it.
  5. Page 402. He quoted both TJ and myself, but once he edited his mistake the notification only takes me to the top of the page. Either way, he knows I know, that’s enough.
  6. Lmao, Hugo accidentally replied to me as Dennison. Get your socks straight my man.
  7. Mitch is daddy dicking Schumer, just hilarious. He’s the best.
  8. Israel holds all of the power and Palestine still exists. If the roles were reversed, Israel would be wiped off the map. C’mon people, this is basic stuff.
  9. I see Hugo’s plea for us all to come together was fairly short lived. A small part of me can’t help but feel sorry for the gullible knucklehead.
  10. These morons are not going to let it go and I couldn’t be happier.
  11. Jimmy melted last night, now it’s David’s turn.
  12. Damn, today was a good day.
  13. Oh, this is so delicious. Thank you.
  14. Sorry Hugo, time to report for disassembly.
  15. It’s very good.
  16. How much collusion?
  17. This reminds me of playing board games with my young children. As soon as they realize one of their siblings will win the game, why it’s simply the rules’ fault. This silly idea of abolishing the Electoral College reeks of sore loser.
  18. Hugo 5 is... alive! No disassemble!
  19. I haven’t made the claim that they’re fake news from what I can remember. Biased? Of course, so is Fox. I guess he’s so concerned that he decided to play a round of golf this morning. We’ll see soon enough.
  20. Those were Jim Acosta’s words, take it up with him. Facing reality is tough business, but I will be here for you guys.
  21. No, they read the tea leaves. No further indictments and Trump quietly celebrating with his family last night.
  22. No need, it’s written all over the media’s long face.
  23. The Mueller investigation.
  24. Trump defeated Isis? This is one hell of a weekend for him.
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