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Everything posted by htown85

  1. Ah shit you're right. I could have sworn I read on twitter that the players added that in there. Ah well, that kind of throws my entire opinion out the window now. I get where the players are coming from.
  2. I don't even understand what they were thinking with that. Were they not wanting to play at all this season unless things were absolutely perfect? If that's the case, then we definitely won't have a deal. It's possible that they think the owners were going to come back willing to concede something to get the players to waive their no-fan contingency, but if so that was a ballsy move by the players - and may end up backfiring.
  3. I think they will find a way to get it done. The self-imposed deadline was the end of May, so if things don't look good May 25 then I will start worrying. Money notwithstanding, the PR nightmare would be overwhelming. It really comes down to 2 things in my mind: 1) The Sean Doolittles of the PA have to get over the risk of going back and the ethical conundrum of MLB acquiring tests. If you can't get on board with those things then just sit the year out...I'm sure 99% of players will get over these issues. 2) The owners have to agree to the pro-rated salaries but it will be in exchange for something else (a bigger share of postseason revenue, a smaller draft in 2021, etc). It seems like the players have screwed themselves so much in the recent history that they are going to be hell bent on the appearance of not getting screwed - so they will die on a fire of no revenue sharing but likely will give up something that will hurt down the road. The owners need positive momentum going into a 2020 shortened season and the 2021 labor talks.
  4. This is the root of the problem. I don't know why the players insisted on the no-fan contingency...but the agreement they made in April means nothing now.
  5. Probably, and I'm not arguing or advocating for that. I'm just trying to point out how comfortable the state of Texas is with its hospital capacity which was the original concern that inspired the lockdowns.
  6. I don't think you get my point. I was highlighting name-calling reactions to people who are trying to have objective views on what's happening given the data publicly available. But since you've engaged on another point - over 30 million people have lost their job. I assume you haven't. Since this is as black/white as you're suggesting, I suppose you don't care about them or the community affected economically?
  7. Only took a few posts to get to an example of my point. Thanks for this.
  8. This. Society is not punishing people if they want to stay home because they fear getting sick - in fact it's encouraged. However, if you are comfortable in living your life you are considered a redneck idiot murderer.
  9. I love the confidence people have that releasing the SIP orders will lead to ultimate destruction and more shut-downs. They are so confident that they feel compelled to throw in insults and name-calling into arguments. This is an unprecedented event and no one knows the end of this thing. That said...if anything, you could say the country overreacted. Hospitals were built that were never used. The hospital bed capacity in Texas is over 28,000 and beds needed is 1,200. ICU bed capacity is over 2,200 and beds needed is 300. Even if we went back to pre-COVID activities I wonder if we would hit the limits? source: https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america/texas I understand the fear of reopening given what has been reported from the start, so I don't think anyone is an idiot for wanting to play it safe. By all means, don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable. The people I can't stand are the ones who are calling others idiots/trash for wanting to reopen or for not wearing a mask (if it's optional) and whatever other insults they feel like throwing out there. I don't know what data to trust anymore because the initial models were so far off (in a good way, we never got close to their predicted crisis) but the data seems to support reopening. Yes, cases are still increasing - but that will happen regardless with increased spread and testing. Hospital capacity hasn't been a problem in weeks and it was only ever a problem in 3 parts of the world - Wuhan, Lombardy, and NYC. Given where we are today, it seems impossible for 90% of the US (exception is dense populations) to ever get to the critical points in time those 3 locations experienced. It would be like Nebraska fearing a tsunami...it won't happen. Meanwhile 1/4 of the country is unemployed...which gets back to my original point: if the data supports reopening, why are the people receiving insults the ones who are supported by the data?
  10. Right, this seems like common sense. I just read a lot of "fearing we will have to shut down again" comments and not really sure what is to be feared.
  11. Legit (and probably dumb) question - what is the actual fear of having to shut down again after we reopen? What is the negative impact of that happening versus staying shut down until there is a vaccine?
  12. Best movie I’ve seen in a long time. Exceeded my expectations. Great child acting.
  13. So now is the time to get in on SPCE? Or some other high risk stock I can throw away some money on?
  14. Great premise, and good plotlines throughout the movie. But damn, could have been so much better. Execution was not great. Overall enjoyed it though.
  15. Did anyone watch Season 1? Excellent show, and something the wife can get behind which makes for great quarantine TV. Sepinwall put it in his top 5 of 2018 but I don’t think I’ve talked to anyone who has actually watched it other than my wife and me. Season 2 premiered last night.
  16. Has anyone actually been able to get tested? Seems like that is tough to do, which is insane.
  17. This is me. Put some in over the last couple of years as basically a second retirement account knowing i wouldnt touch it in years. But I read this thread daily and of course I’m kicking myself. Just keeep telling myself to stick to the plan.
  18. htown85


    Suggestions for good affordable everyday wine?
  19. Going to London/Cape Town/Kenya at the end of May. Hopefully this is over by then?
  20. Just finished it. One of my favorite shows ever. Great finale, up there with the Leftovers finale which I realize is a strange comparison.
  21. Going in 2 weeks for my honeymoon. staying at casa tortugas Tentative plans to eat at Mandarina Beach Club, Roots, Parador 33, La Tortileria, and Big Fish Plan on kayaking the mangroves and/or a cenote Any holes in my tentative itinerary?
  22. Need to get ties for my groomsmen and brides father. Any suggestions for stylish yet affordable ties?
  23. If MLB actually tried to vacate the WS win for the Astros that would not only be egregious, but it would crush baseball fandom in Houston. Death penalties are not good for growing the game. I expect a fine and some suspensions, maybe even a loss of draft pick, which won’t be enough for the Twitter mob but seems reasonable in the overall landscape. Certainly there is a reporter who hates another team as much as Drellich hates the Astros, right? If I am Jim Crane I would commission that reporter to go do his own digging in an effort to justify the notion that the whole league is doing this.
  24. I’m not in on the game warden being DM. That’s too easy for Lindelof. It’s most likely a character we haven’t been introduced to yet.
  25. Do you think we will get an "Astros are cheating" report/article before or after the first pitch of game 3?
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