I love the confidence people have that releasing the SIP orders will lead to ultimate destruction and more shut-downs. They are so confident that they feel compelled to throw in insults and name-calling into arguments. This is an unprecedented event and no one knows the end of this thing. That said...if anything, you could say the country overreacted. Hospitals were built that were never used. The hospital bed capacity in Texas is over 28,000 and beds needed is 1,200. ICU bed capacity is over 2,200 and beds needed is 300. Even if we went back to pre-COVID activities I wonder if we would hit the limits? source: https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america/texas
I understand the fear of reopening given what has been reported from the start, so I don't think anyone is an idiot for wanting to play it safe. By all means, don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable. The people I can't stand are the ones who are calling others idiots/trash for wanting to reopen or for not wearing a mask (if it's optional) and whatever other insults they feel like throwing out there.
I don't know what data to trust anymore because the initial models were so far off (in a good way, we never got close to their predicted crisis) but the data seems to support reopening. Yes, cases are still increasing - but that will happen regardless with increased spread and testing. Hospital capacity hasn't been a problem in weeks and it was only ever a problem in 3 parts of the world - Wuhan, Lombardy, and NYC. Given where we are today, it seems impossible for 90% of the US (exception is dense populations) to ever get to the critical points in time those 3 locations experienced. It would be like Nebraska fearing a tsunami...it won't happen. Meanwhile 1/4 of the country is unemployed...which gets back to my original point: if the data supports reopening, why are the people receiving insults the ones who are supported by the data?