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Everything posted by HornOnTheBayou

  1. "I think Stephen McGee was a better quarterback than Vince Young." "Why do you think that? VY set multiple school records and led the Longhorns to a national championship. McGee never did any of those things at A&M." "Ugh, it's pointless to talk to y'all in this echo chamber. No one listens to reason any more!"
  2. The doctors thought he had a fever that wouldn't go away, but it was just hot legs.
  3. "I just discovered something better than conjugal visit sex .... fugitive sex!"
  4. Yep. One of the pastors is an old family friend. She's a badass.
  5. OK, let me rephrase: no one should be basing any decisions, football or non-football related, on anything Tom Brady says in the Fox booth.
  6. I agree that Brady should not be in the booth, but it's because he sucks. No team is basing hiring decisions on what Brady says in the Fox booth.
  7. Finally got around to seeing this today. I'm a big Dylan fan, so take this with a grain of salt, but I thought it was one of the best movies I've seen in a while. Chalamet did an amazing job with the role. It would have been easy to do the cartoonish caricature of Dylan, like Rami Malek did with Freddy Mercury, but Chalamet played it perfectly. Ed Norton was fantastic too.
  8. Yeah, Irv is the one I'm most curious about now. The paintings of the elevator Ms. Casey went down, the list of severed employees in his house, the pay phone call when he said "My innie got the message", and the fact that he played it really cool when Milchick came to his house.
  9. It just dawned on me that Mike Myers has the same reaction in that scene as when he stood next to Kanye saying, "George Bush hates black people".
  10. If he hears this, he's going to write an EO repealing the law of gravity. "It's a hoax, water flows up and down. Lots of people don't know that. Liberal science elitists are trying to hide that from you. Just like they hide windmill cancer."
  11. It's your obituary. Just write whatever you want. But do make sure you proofread it well.
  12. I got news for you. I show up with Ring Dings and Pepsi, I become the biggest hit at the party. People are coming up to me, "Just between you and me, I'm really excited about the Ring Dings and the Pepsi."
  13. So that's a week later than this year. Is pushing it back going to mess with transfer players trying to enroll at their new schools?
  14. He got a table for two way in the back where he sits alone and thinks of losing the surl.
  15. I was listening to Bill Barnwell's podcast this morning and this topic came up. His guest said the reason why the Chiefs offense looked a little shaky in the first quarter Saturday is because they didn't get to run their first fifteen plays. The Texans fumbled the kickoff so the Chiefs started in the red zone. They ended up losing a yard on that drive and settling for a field goal, because they couldn't run the plays they planned for.
  16. Would I get a special perk for it? If I can have a finger trap or waffle party, I'll consider it.
  17. Is that the Petsmart on 1431? That's where we got Edgar 10 years ago.
  18. If Helly wants to be kissed, I would be happy to assist.
  19. In an ordinary world, everyone would know not to associate with Nazis. But these days you have to make clear that Nazis are not friends of mine.
  20. In the real world, her name is Gemma Scout. So I guess on the severed floor, she's not going by her real first or last name. I just assumed Casey was a first name, but I guess it could be a last name.
  21. Yeah, I would agree with this. The bosses are not severed and are referred to by their last name (Huang, Milchick, Cobel). Ms. Casey is a special case (notice she is referred to by her first name, but no last initial).
  22. Nope, he's an obnoxious* Dodgers fan. Wait, I guess the use of "obnoxious" was redundant there. Sorry, Bruin, had to. You know we're thinking of you and want to help in any way we can. Up until Opening Day, of course.
  23. Mark told his sister everything before he woke up, so she knows what's going on now. Helly's innie started the big speech and everyone at the party heard her say, "We're being tortured down there."
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