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Everything posted by HornOnTheBayou

  1. That seems reasonable. I teach at a school that has around 1,800 students and we're big enough to field strong clubs/organizations/sports (except that our football team can't play a lick of defense), and we offer nearly every type of AP class. But we're still small enough where all the faculty knows each other and it still feels like a nurturing community.
  2. Yep. I tossed my Obama-phone as soon as I got my 5th jab.
  3. 2 facemask calls on a QB in one game has to be some kind of record.
  4. Damn, Carr sucks. We should have cloned Drew Brees when we had the chance.
  5. If we expand this to all sports, I hear Rick Pitino is pretty quick on the draw.
  6. Are we sure that was the last game? I thought there were usually two games on that fucking network, one conference and one non-conference.
  7. Vidgo is not working on either of my TVs and the site itself is down.
  8. I'll need to know more about her positions (on the issues, of course) before I make a final choice on who to vote for, but so far she seems promising.
  9. YoutubeTV is fantastic, except for one major flaw. They don't have the local Fox Sports channels (or Balleys, or whatever the hell they're called now) so that means no Astros, Rangers, Spurs, etc. If that's a big deal to you, stay away.
  10. Your argument is that women spending money is a new trend? You sure about that?
  11. 1) She knows football. I always learn something listening to her podcast. 2) She's funny and cool as hell. 3) So hot. Now granted, half-Asian/half-white is my kryptonite so take what I say with a grain of salt.
  12. So this was literally a flight-disrupting asshole?
  13. I remember every detail. The Germans wore gray, you wore blue.
  14. Not to call you out or anything, but did you know what "drip" was? The others make sense, but I only know drip, because I asked my high-school students about it last year.
  15. No, "whatever floats your boat" is a totally different genre. That's where the woman is leaning over to fix a... well, I don't want to ruin the surprise, but it definitely involves lines about seamen and buoys.
  16. So you have a whole school of future recruits working on their 40 times and three-cone drill speed. What's the issue?
  17. My conservative co-worker this morning: "And now Biden is going to require everyone to get the new Covid booster." Me: "I don't think that's true." Co-worker: "No, I read it this morning. EVERYONE has to get it. See, look." He pulls up an article from NBC News. It says that Biden is "tentatively encouraging" everyone to get it. I pointed out that is a whole lot different than "requiring." His response was, "Well ... sure ... but ... we'll see. It could happen." I am sick and tired of the complete lack of intellectual honesty from the right.
  18. Vic, have you gotten her number yet?
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