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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Rudiger

  1. That's it. Think of it like a punt. If they were tacked on their 6th chance, the turnover would be there.
  2. You were watching rugby league. 1. Once a player is tacked, they have to play the ball. That's just the rule of how they put it in play. 2. You can strip if if you're the only player going for the ball, but only before the tackle. 3. You have 6 chances to make a try. After 5 tackles, they usually kick--that's probably what you saw. 4. Yes. The definition of "tackled" in the rules includes being held upright.
  3. I’m making the switch from wallet to money clip. In lieu of a rubber band, an recommendations?
  4. Ah yes, the good old Australian "Christmas in May."
  5. As any lawyer knows, American jurisprudence has never seen statement in a legal filing that wasn’t supported by evidence.
  6. Worst. Lion King reenactment. Ever.
  7. Generally, you don’t want the firm that does criminal law, and family law, and personal injury law representing you in a murder case.
  8. That’s nothing. We had a streaker one time when I was playing rugby in England. One of the forwards took care of him. Now that was a murder. /csb
  9. So it wasn’t that he was slow, it was that he wasn’t motivated? Because that’s the kind of guy I want on my team.
  10. She’s lost some weight. Good for her.
  11. That veal parm is a beast. A delicious beast.
  12. It’s a perfectly cromulent name.
  13. Neat. How are football and men’s basketball doing?
  14. “I’m not a big conspiracy guy, but it was obvious the OU players were skin-suit-wearing lizard men….”
  15. Although in fairness it loses a little in translation.
  16. Yes, but only because it’s the top of the 9th, and it’s tied.
  17. It’s every kid’s dream playing whiffle ball in the back yard. Top of the ninth. Home run to tie it.
  18. Hey but at least we have football season to look forward to, right?
  19. More Francis Bacon if we’re being honest.
  20. Now that’s what I call a head on collision.
  21. Rudiger

    USMNT 2022

    That’s a pretty weak goal. How does the keeper let that past him? Oh, right, MLS.
  22. That your friend in the foreground? Lanky guy with a big nose?
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