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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Rudiger

  1. Don’t know. I haven’t watched in years because the officiating is so bad.
  2. Stupidest football season ever so far.
  3. Anyone remember how the NYT needle favored Clinton in 2016?
  4. Tell that to TEX, the Telephone Enrollment Exchange, for the University of Texas, at Austin.
  5. You see, they have to only call it some of the time. Otherwise, officiating won't be arbitrary at best and rigged at worst.
  6. Brilliant observation there professor.
  7. At the airport, and someone is sitting on the table right next to the “do not sit on the table” sign.
  8. Since Minnesota substituted to bring on the kicking team, why didn't the ref stand over the ball to allow Michigan to substitute? Is there some exception in the rules?
  9. Nobody can figure out why he’s having the DTs do the jump pass drill.
  10. #18 tight end for Mississippi State just whiffing repeatedly on blocks.
  11. I’ve never heard the original version, but I submit this:
  12. And watch Michigan get the shit kicked out of them? Hell no.
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