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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Rudiger

  1. Rudiger


    Did those profligate Italians already use up all the other Caravaggios?
  2. As a resident of the north side of the island, I’ll thank you not to put that evil on me.
  3. I’d sell mine the second someone confused it for a Corvette too.
  4. Quite likely. I hooked up with her friend though.
  5. She and I graduated in the same high school class. Haven’t heard that name in….24 years.
  6. Yo. Still working on the Gravesite Plains. Damn Blackgaol Knight was giving me fits for a while there. It looks like the DLC expects you to vary your weapons and strategies a lot more than you needed to for the main playthrough.
  7. “If we don’t practice, we might look like idiots out there.”
  8. I just finished the original game with the platinum trophy. Holy shit is that the best game I’ve ever played by a country mile! So hard at points, but so amazing on multiple levels.
  9. With a minor in muledick.
  10. Also used by the Beastie Boys in Paul Revere. They were decidedly not Aggies.
  11. Seems like that will only hasten the demise of Elon’s empire, so I’m all for it!
  12. I moved to Puerto Rico a few years back. Everywhere in the mainland sucks ass.
  13. Rudiger

    USMNT 2024

    *In a Hegelian epistemology kind of way.
  14. But you don’t understand! Elon’s a disruptor! -Elon Stan, probably
  15. Take notes people. That’s how you flex.
  16. Not just comic books. I counted the posters at the theater this weekend, and half were for a sequel, prequel, or remake of something.
  17. Maybe the math works out for the number of people on each flight, but is chartering a big ass plane for team trips fiscally responsible for a league that’s consistently in the red?
  18. Johnny wasn't a once-in-a-century talent. He was Eric Crouch 2.0. Well, except that Eric Crouch made the cover of NCAA 2K3.
  19. You guessed it. Frank Stallone.
  20. She’s pregnant.
  21. They’re for my wife.
  22. Kid’s wearing a Nirvana shirt but can’t name their songs. Little fucking poser.
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