ABIA's problems are not just reserved to the travelers. The dropoff/pickup folks suffer because the traffic management there is horrific. Darn near every well run airport moves the parking, dropoff, and taxi folks into different spaces - each of those spaces do not get in the way of the other. EVERY passenger coming or going from ABIA has to walk in front of some form of traffic.
When it goes well, ABIA is decent; when it does not, it is utter shit. And we are not even addressing the problems of international travel into that airport.
I will admit that ABIA was far better when I had status that got me into lounges. Suffer a little - get to the lounge - and relax. No dealing with the masses.
That all said, I travel mostly to the following airports: IND, PDX, SJC, EWR, SFO. I've ranted about this before, but IND and PDX are at a different tier.
Perhaps I am just a little grumpy that I had to pay $15 (before tax and tip) for a pint of Southern Heights Tahitian Dreaming yesterday. And just happened to be sitting next to a Michigan fan who said to a rando, "Well we lost 13 guys to the draft last year..." I had to let him know that Texas lost 11.