Hell, if Ossai and McCulloch swapped roles on the 3rd and 17, and if Coburn doesn't try to get cute acting like he's Dwight Freeney spinning around in front of the guard and instead collapses the pocket even half a yard... then that play call works and works big. Little things make all the difference in football, but aggressive defense is always best defense. Fix these little things and learn from mistakes, and suddenly the stats will stop looking horrifying.
We're liking the offense sure, but it's clear Herman/Beck are struggling with not having Andrew Beck anymore, and same can be said for TO not having Gary Johnson and to a lesser extent Kris Boyd.
Just imagine the hordes of Cajuns spewing spittle out of their crawfish-holes if they lost the game due to throwing the ball on 2nd down and again on 3rd and 17 with a lead and their vaunted ESSS-ERRR-SEEE defense sitting on the sideline. As far as bad playcalls go, that's a bad one. But it worked so they're all getting worked up on fermented crab and filling up their jizz canteens