As posted above and one topic the LHN crew made it a point to talk about after the game is Texas leading the nation in missed tackles. There simply is no excuse whether it be youth, injuries, schedule, etc., that can even come close to justifying that stat with the talent Texas has recruited. Absolutely fucking none.
Ricky, Jordan and Micheal were particularly adamant about criticizing out team for mouthing off and failure to back it up. They were absolutely dominated physically. Jordan emphasized the fact great players do their talking on the field. What they said was exactly what I was thinking. Texas is also the team with all the injuries because of poor tacking technique.
I'm sick and tired our watching our players try to make a highlight reel rather than wrapping up and getting a guy to the ground. What Lamb did is sickening. TH and TO better get it fixed fast or there won't be a rematch in Dec. and I'm damn glad the LHN crew aren't a bunch of homers and aren't afraid to tell it like it is.