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Hard Times

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Everything posted by Hard Times

  1. Now Texas gets to travel to Canzez 2 weeks in a row. Yippie!
  2. Why is no one posting the defensive passing stat's for the last 3 games? Or the offensive passing stat's either? Maybe they're too offensive.
  3. I hope every Democrat in the contested states voted twice and a million extra ballots were printed. Serves Dump right. He's nothing but a crybaby and we need to do everything we can to get his ass out of there.
  4. At least this CEO gets it. More CEO's need to step up and make their employees vote for Biden. No honorable CEO is going to let their employees vote for Dump. https://www.fastcompany.com/90567857/expensify-ceo-biden-trump-david-barrett
  5. More whinning from Dump. Just a spoiled child. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-scolds-60-minutes-for-tough-questions-but-critics-saw-whiny-president/ar-BB1aoHeX?ocid=msedgdhp He deserves what he gets. Everything about the Steele Dosier was 100% accurate: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steele_dossier Yet Dump tries to deflect to something Hunter did, which was nothing. There's no law against working for a foreign gas company, and Hunter's not running for president.
  6. That was an azz kickin', but there's still some little things that need to be cleaned up. Our OH's and MB's can't just keep tipping the ball back over to someone standing there waiting on it on all those overpasses. If there's definitely a hole, go for it, but tipping right back over to someone right there waiting for it is just giving the other team a free ball. Either kill, go for a definite hole or pass, set, kill.
  7. I have no idea of what to expect this season with all the changes in coaching and personnel. However, I certainly do expect the players to finally get coached up and Texas will play discipline, along with no longer leading the nation with turnovers and stupid mistakes.
  8. TCU match to be rescheduled, they have covid problems.
  9. How many of those names are even realistic? Kyle Shanahan isn't going to take a step down to coach college, and how well would he do when adding recruiting, dealing with alumni and all the other tasks required for a college coach. Stoops is going to leave his cushy life to coach at Texas, against OU sucks? I doubt it. Mack isn't coming back after being screwed over, and too old to give Texas the time needed to turn the program around. I think Kleiman would be better than Fleck or Campbell, all would be an upgrade over TH, but a lot of people think Fleck has some of the same issues as TH. No one is a home run hire except possibly Suburban, but there would need to be an internal rules consultant to make sure he doesn't get Texas on probation for the next 50 years. Don't know much about Napier, but looks like a good possibility.
  10. So what's your reading comprehension IQ? The SMU defense could suck donkey balls and still do a better job than the Texas defense.
  11. I have no doubt Duggan was laughing when he walked up to the line. He was probably thinking, "are they really that stupid, my mother could score on this".
  12. What would Sam be with the SMU defense? 3-0 and the spread covered in every game probably. Wake me when Sam starts playing defense.
  13. Huh?? So Ash thought the Tech offense was outmanned against the Texas defense and still gave up 49 points. So just how many points is the Texas defense going to give up when the talent is equal?? 100+. So how many points does Ash think it can hold OU sucks too?? I certainly don't understand the logic is his reasoning at all. Tech moved the ball AT WILL. Something certainly better change Chris or the Texas defense is going to be in a world of hurt.
  14. We can certainly "hope", but nearly every QB seems to have their Heisman moment against Texas.
  15. Madison hasn't played yet, and should be an OH. She isn't expected to play until Jan at earliest. I wish I knew what has happened to Davis. We are extremely thin at OH. One thing for sure though, I said before the season started Texas was extremely lucky to get Morgan. She was one of the best libero's on the country last year, and a great server. I don't know why anyone would think she's not legit. I said a month before the season started Morgan would take the libero spot from Sydney. Texas finally stopped giving up 5-6 free points/match by just getting the serves in and it showed in the result. All those MW service faults last year just killed momentum. And teams had no trouble returning it no matter how hard it was hit. We've seen some of the same thing with Nalani's serve. Kansas had more trouble with Morgan's serve than Nalani's, but at least she was getting it in. I hope that continues. If this team can stay healthy they will be real good.
  16. I lost count after Mitchell's 20th missed tackle last Saturday. Can he top 30 this Saturday? Will he make Evans look like Ricky Williams? Why in the hell can't TH recruit a LB?
  17. Yes, it was sloppy, but it was also on the road against our most hated team and the first match of the season. I certainly wasn't expecting perfection, but the serving still should've been better. Giving 5 free points a set won't get it done against the best teams. Anyone who knew anything about Morgan knew she would take over libero from day 1. Her serving alone makes it worth it considering how bad the rest of the team is. Nalani looks like she'll have a great serve in time. Molly looked pretty good at OH, although I wonder if she'll be able to continue the way she is when other teams have film of her. She's never going to be a power hitter, no weight in her arm and shoulder. If you ever stand next to her you know what a rail she is. I would like to know more about the players that didn't play. They did say Madison will be available in Jan. I suppose that has something to do with HS credits. We know the situation with Melanie, but does anyone know anything about Capri? We could sure use another OH. Naomi didn't play either, but Ashley was only in for a couple of points so that's probably making sure Jhenna gets comfortable with the offense. This team has a lot of talent, just have to get it in sync.
  18. Actually seems bizarre to me. He's a big dude, TE would seem much more likely, especially with the depth at CB already.
  19. That may have been the case before CDC arrived, but it isn't anymore.
  20. I happen to agree. Her service errors kill momentum and keep the opponent in the game and her free balls give the other team easy attacks. Unfortunately she never learned you must attack even if its a poor set. I don't understand why average players from other teams still get in a decent attack on a bad set, yet Micaya and others on the Texas team just do a push over, and barely over at that.
  21. http://www.donbest.com/ncaaf/injuries/ 18 names on this list. Fucking 18, the most of any team. It has truly been a season of WTF else can go wrong. Bad coaching, bad scheme, bad preparation, bad penalties and decisions on the field. And why the fuck does Texas keep having twice as many injuries as any other team? Truly a season to just forget. 😢
  22. Rod & Johnny certainly make some good points, but the game (at least the focus to reduce injuries) has changed a lot since Johnny played. I'm not even sure a player or coach have much input into whether a player plays injured or not? I believe now it's mostly the Dr/Trainer. Unless a player lies and says his ankle doesn't hurt when it does when the trainer turns it, how does the player get on the field?
  23. One of the reasons why I don't watch the NFL anymore. Well, I watched enough to see the 2nd one and I've seen less ridiculousness in the WWF. No rational person can watch that shit and think there's not an agenda.
  24. I keep trying to have sex with Adriana Lima. So far no success, but I know if I just keep trying it's gonna eventually happen.
  25. I'm really surprised none of Kirk, Anwar or Chip asked Th how many ums he felt like he could get in during a 30 min PC.
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