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Hard Times

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Everything posted by Hard Times

  1. More DB's drafted than anyone. A number of independent articles even showing Texas as #1 DBU and he says he's never heard of Texas being DBU. What a fucking idiot.
  2. I said our young CB's would get burned early and often yet no one wanted to hear it. You have to remember though even Huff, Vasher and Ross got burned plenty when they were young too. And don't even get me started on Carrington Byndum, and he turned out all right. The fact is Charlie left us high & dry in key positions and it's still going to take another year or two before Texas has top 5 talent and experience at all positions. Roach and Graham are good run stoppers, but they're not Tony Brackens. I'll take Dave Aranda over Todd Orlando too, but unfortunately that didn't happen. The future is bright though. This team fight their hearts out last night and came up just a but short. There's always the sky is falling by Texas fans after a loss, but the reality is LSU has more talent. No way in hell a Charlie Strong team gives that kind of effort. Relax, Charlie could still be our coach.
  3. That may have been the most amazing match I've ever seen. I know I've never seen a set go to 35 before. That was absolute grit to come back from 5 down in the 3rd set, fight off all those set points, and take the match. Butler may have a hard time getting her position back. Both Asjia and Molly are hitting at a higher rate than Butler hit last year, against some pretty stiff competition. Butler has all the athleticism in the world, but sometimes makes silly mistakes. This team might beat Stanford if they can just get the SE's down. I don't understand Sidney's serving. If you keep hitting it long, back up a few ft. I've never played at a higher level than a competitive rec league, but I always served from about 5ft behind the line, and once served 25 in a row. I bet I could get 95/100 in if I tried, and I have a harder serve than anyone on the Texas team not named Micaya White.
  4. Yes, but Burro didn't throw the ball away, he trowed it away. There's a big difference, at least in gooberville.
  5. Unpossible! No way agroids ban be 9th overall. Jumbo has them transformed into the best team in the world. Just ask any agroid, they will tell you.
  6. It's hard to determine anything from a scrimmage that includes a number of players not even on the team. One team didn't even have a setter on the roster. That said, this team will only go as far as the passing and setting takes them.
  7. I was floored when I found out this morning. This is just sickening for me. Ced is one of my all time favorite Horns. I was there at DKR when ML played Westlake and couldn't wait for him to get to Austin. I'll add I used to ride my bicycle out to City Park when I was a student via Mt. Bonnell and that intersection always scared the hell out of me.
  8. Perhaps you should find a different forum other than something called Surly Horns.
  9. Targeting smargeting, whatever. The NCAA has pussfied football. If it even looks like targeting it's going to be called. If the helmet in any way makes 1st contact it's gonna get called, like it or not.
  10. The top 6 should be solid, but predicting the teams with new coaches to be status quo is certainly a bit optimistic. I'm certainly going to be pissed if we lose to the mountain ears again when they have a new coach and I'm going to be pissed if we lose to okie lite again too.
  11. Bowman reminds me a lot of Moore. He may not be quite that electric, but he has some of the same change of direction and acceleration skills.
  12. It really sucks for Floyd and Brown. How often do you get 2 really bad situations in 1 class? Floyd coulda been just as important as Whittington and Smith considering the lack of depth at LB. Hopefully they see the field next year.
  13. Good stuff! I appreciate your analysis.
  14. Yancy's doing some really good things. The ability to limit soft tissue injuries is big, especially with limited QB depth. Keeping Sam healthy is the biggest key to a successful season.
  15. Of course we lose recruits to Stanford. I'd certainly be surprised if we didn't. And honestly, if I'd had a choice between Texas and Stanford I would've chose Stanford. But Jorja, Bama, Gooner, Agroid, LowIQSU, OSSuck are not Stanford, and where there's smoke there's always fire. Losing recruits to Stanford, UM, Northwestern, ND doesn't bother me, but when it's to a school low on academics and high on reports of cheating you know something is going on.
  16. No he didn't. He dropped out of Norman HS and moved to LA with his father. That's why I like him, he got the hell outta Norman.
  17. Nothing but scum. Always will be.
  18. I feel sorry for Chris. I don't think his issues have anything to do with talent. I hope he gets his life together.
  19. I think you have to throw the first 8 out. It would be more relevant to compare basketball and FB coaches of the last 30 years to what happened in FB over 100 years ago.
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