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Hard Times

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Everything posted by Hard Times

  1. The problem is it could also be worse. Mental decline isn't linear. It was really sad to see how fast my grandmother went from carrying on an intelligent conversation to having no clue who was talking to her or what was going on around her. Those predicting it to be better remind me of all those sports experts that predicted CO would get revenge in the 2005 B12CG.
  2. It may not look good at this point, but the "Overreact" is crazy as pointed out. The below is why Biden can still win as Newsweek points out. We just need to make sure everyone knows Trump keeps saying he's going to eliminate the constitution and take over as dictator. He will be just like Stalin. Biden Campaign Reacts to Supreme Court Ruling - Newsweek Supreme Court Just Gave Joe Biden New Protection: Lawyer - Newsweek
  3. That's what pisses me off the most. Dotard talks in generalities and never quotes numbers or facts. At least Biden gave the 6% vs 1%. I'm a facts, numbers and charts person and that's what I want to see. Talking in generalities and hyperbole only influences stupid people. And the other thing was Dotard never answering the question that was asked. He would just go back to irrelevant mumbling rather than answering the question. Not once did he ever answer the question about childcare. And this is the true inflation graph that shows Dotard was lying. Current US Inflation Rates: 2000-2024 (usinflationcalculator.com)
  4. I can't read anything you typed but obviously the video is disgusting. How in the fuck does a glass pipe feel like a metal pistol?? Only if you have welding gloves on. Another incident that reminds me of the Daniel Shaver murder.
  5. This will be a laugher. All Biden has to do is remind everyone dotard was found guilty on 34 felonies by a unanimous NY jury and it's all over. End of debate.
  6. Unfortunately having to add to the horrible incident in AR. Yes, she was a hero. If guns were outlawed this wouldn't happen. 'Hero' Nurse Was Killed While Aiding Gunshot Victim During Arkansas Grocery Store Mass Shooting (msn.com)
  7. WTF is wrong with people in Houston?? Illegal migrant charged with murdering Jocelyn Nungaray, 12, was released into the US just weeks ago: Texas girl was found raped and strangled in creek | Daily Mail Online
  8. Horrible decision by Canady. She's never going to get a job in Biomedical Engineering with a worthless degree from blowu.
  9. Probably a rat snake, but it could be a number of snakes and I can't tell without a closer up picture of the pattern.
  10. It's not just supply, but quantity supplied. I'm sure most of the national builders have financial analysts employed who calculate where Marginal Cost=Marginal Revenue. But there's also the issue of not being able to get enough labor to build the number of houses they can sell.
  11. Canady isn't coming to Texas. There's too many on the team already and a top HS pitcher is coming in. And that includes Simpson transferring to the bowling team.
  12. I guess it might make sense for the men, especially if they're Catholic. And maybe some nuns, but that's about it. They come to the US to get a job so they can live a decent life. Even if they don't get a job the social programs will do a lot more for them than living in SA. Less than 10% are criminals or part of gangs.
  13. I would like to see some stats on this. Unless it's someone from Spain. I don't believe anyone from a country south of Texas would vote for Dotard.
  14. I knew some idiot would post that. I guess you've never been to a foreign country.
  15. Tastes like sewer water.
  16. At least I learned 1 thing last night. Right down the middle 5" above the knee is a ball. Texas pitcher isn't supposed to be throwing a pitch in that location.
  17. Gotta have something to crack down on those unlicensed weekend flea markets.
  18. That wasn't really what I was implying. I should have stated it. Would be be able to consistently recruit the best players if the WCWS were in a different city?
  19. Yes, that's true but I've never driven a 4 cyl that wasn't buzzie and un-refined and that includes BMW, MB and Audi. The purest don't like it and there's talk of them going back to the V8. Mercedes-AMG might go back to V8s in the C 63 and E 63 - Autoblog
  20. Yes, it's about 52/48 because basically they are the home team. On a neutral field it would be about 52/48 Texas. Just pisses me off they have the baked in HFA like that. How many NC's would Grasso have if the WCWS were in Omaha, Nashville, Dallas, Chicago?
  21. I think he/she answered that, trying to hard; overanxious. But true that's the worst thing you can do is swing at Canady's rise ball up in the zone. You can't get on top of it, it's just going to be a pop-up. And Canady will probably be at gooner next year. She's not going to win a NC at Stanford unless they get 9 new batters that can hit the ball. She'll fit in with the gooners perfectly. Acting like a drunk animal when you're down 6 in the last inning and stomping up and down like a moron when you get a strikeout is par the course for those idiots. I'm glad our pitchers show class. Seems to me like someone once said, "act like you've been there before".
  22. Sure, I like it when it's executed correctly, but Henry almost cost a double play bunting a high pitch. Maloney has lived on the bunt all season. But the batters have to understand you can't bunt a high pitch, you have to pull back. And Canady's ride ball is very hard to bunt anyway, moving upward at that velocity. She's trying to get a pop out. They have to also understand if the pitcher isn't going to give you a good pitch to bunt, let them walk you.
  23. It wouldn't bother me one bit to see Mac start. Yes, Citlaly and Teagan have better "stuff", but Mac has better mental "stuff". Start with a walk, an error and a hit that just makes it through the gap and it could be over in the 1st.
  24. Futurecast not showing it clear until 2pm. If gooner/gator goes 2 games gonna be a real late start for Texas/Tree, if at all.
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