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Hard Times

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Everything posted by Hard Times

  1. Even CNN calling out Fox News for their lies. Although I've probably watched less than 3 min of Fox news in my life so I don't give a shit. White House calls on Fox News executives to retract bogus FBI informant claims against Biden | CNN Business
  2. Absolute screw job. The ref next to Madi signaled she didn't have the ball. The one on the other side of the court who couldn't see the play called the travel. Absolute bullshit agenda reffing.
  3. Just to let people know in case they expect to see all the games on LHN, the games that overlap baseball won't be on LHN unless they're on tape delay. For sure the 6:30 tonight, not sure about all the rest, but there's probably more. Baseball gets priority.
  4. I once heard that luck is when preparation meets opportunity. I guess Vic never heard that.
  5. I'm surprised an update to the mass shooting in KC hasn't been posted since 2 adults were arrested. Apparently one of them started the whole thing. They may be adults, but you have to have the mentality of a 5 yr old to start a shooting because someone starred at you. This is exactly why guns should should be illegal. A really good lady lost her life because these guns are not illegal. Two charged with murder in Kansas City Super Bowl shooting | AP News
  6. Yes, I actually felt sorry for HCU. 4 innings 14 runs, yikes. But I hope White realizes he better have Hunter or Goode in over Whitaker against quality competition.
  7. Isn't that the case for most Texas opponents? If Texas leaves the gooner shooters that open on 3's you can forget any conference championship. Hopefully Vic runs some zone so the defenders don't get picked so much. And please quit trying to get a good shot by running the opponent over. Don't our ladies know by now if it's even close the foul is going against Texas? And fuck Brett Yormark. BTW.
  8. Feel really bad a defenseless Asian woman was assaulted like this, but at least justice is served. Brandon Elliot sentenced after he was accused of NYC Times Square attack on Vilma Kari (nbcnews.com)
  9. Trump isn't going to win. Guys like Craig Calloway will make sure everyone knows where Dump stands. The below article explains why Biden won in 2020. Republicans are too stupid to build relationships and get people's votes, which is why Biden took over the vote count when the mail in ballots were counted. Then the Republicans turn around and try to claim fraud. What a bunch of idiots. Calloway did nothing illegal, just another Republican plot to charge him with a crime. There will be plenty of Democrats to take his place and the Republicans still won't know what happened. Craig Callaway speaks at fundraiser in wake of fraud charges (pressofatlanticcity.com)
  10. Of course the won't show their faces. Cowards.
  11. Interesting study. I've been getting all my vaccines, but this does make me worry a little bit about getting my next vaccine. But it does say the side effects were small. Largest Covid Vaccine Study Yet Finds Links to Health Conditions (msn.com)
  12. Even Putin prefers Biden. This is over before it starts. Putin says Russia prefers Biden to Trump because he is 'more experienced and predictable' (msn.com)
  13. And more. I still don't get how a person arrested 6x legally gets an AR-15. Unfortunately for the boy even if he survives he'll most likely be a vegetable for life. Horrible tragedy created by a looney that shoulda been in an institution, but it not for armed officers in the church it coulda been as bad as Uvalde or Nashville. Neighbors Say They Warned Cops About Megachurch Shooter (newser.com)
  14. I was hoping it would look like a mini M8, probably would've sold twice as many. Too bad Hyundai stole the best BMW designers, most of the the new BMW designs have looked like crap since.
  15. Beautiful car. G30 is the best looking 5 series ever. BMW screwed the pooch with the G60, just like they have with so many of their new models. I don't know why you're talking about your Infiniti and posting a picture of a BMW though?
  16. That makes me think about the 6 HS kids in FL in the brand new M5 daddy bought. They decided to take it to an old airport runway at night and find out how fast it would go. Well, they found out all right right before they all ended up dead. I never speed. One time I was driving from Houston to Austin and my speedometer hit 78 in the 75 mph zone. I had to pull over and remind myself not to get over the speed limit.
  17. If Biden drops out due to health reasons and Newsome get's the nod, AOC would be a good running mate with Newsome. No way Dump beats that ticket. Newsome doing good things to combat crime in CA. California Highway Patrol sending 120 officers to Oakland, East Bay to combat crime (msn.com) Downtown Oakland businesses 'surprised' by Kaiser's warning to workers (msn.com)
  18. The RSQ8 is my favorite SUV, basically a Lambo Urus with different styling for $100k less. And I think it looks better. Wish I coulda afford one. Must be nice to be rich. A question, why do people still want to compare German HP to American HP? The Germans use a different system and measure differently. A 500 hp BMW M4 will smoke a 800 hp Dodge Hellcat.
  19. Both sides have done a lot of bad things. I don't know why they can't put their differences aside, get in a circle, hold hands and sing Kumbaya.
  20. So even the rapists don't like B12 refs. Baylor AD critical of Big 12 officials after coach Scott Drew ejected in win over Iowa State | Newser
  21. I've always said the numbers just don't add up. Not being able to afford insurance with the ACA act in place when most middle class Americans can just doesn't fly for someone with the $ she has received from her divorce and endorsements. Linda MCV should be pissed, but she shouldn't be dumb enough to part with her $ so quickly.
  22. Just so fucking glad we beat the bitches in Wacko. Can't stand those bitches from Rapelor U.
  23. I don't blame you. Tesla's are ugly as shit and the Cybertruck is the ugliest vehicle ever. Even uglier than the BMW XM.
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