Like I said, it seemed he was talking out of both sides of his mouth. There are some people, particularly in the NE and E sections of 8 that are pretty hard core NIMBY, so he does need to cater to them somewhat. He's big on property taxes, which admittedly the city council can't do a ton on but they can make noise and push politics..
The problem is that the sprawl is already here and that our infrastructure is overwhelmed. You obviously need increased urban density to keep the sprawl from getting worse, but Ellis is on record as opposing the construction at the 290/71 Y in Oak Hill. That's insane. Her reasoning is both environmental and 'neighborhood character', but the sprawl is already well past that intersection and the problem needs to be fixed (much like LaCross/Salughter and SH-45). I'm not saying I support decking every highway down here to double the traffic capacity (and double the urban sprawl with it), but growth is happening, regardless and you have to update your infrastructure with it. She more concerned with stopping it all together. I can't agree with that. And while ultimately the highways aren't directly the City Council's call, just like property taxes, they have no direct authority, but that doesn't mean they can't have significant influence.