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Certifiably Surly
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JesusSweatDuck last won the day on November 5 2023

JesusSweatDuck had the most liked content!


18564 Surly 1%

About JesusSweatDuck

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  1. You realize he's an orthopedic surgeon in the area, right?
  2. Might be faster, but a much bigger PITA to share data, esp on mobile, making the forum not as useful
  3. It was in the playoffs junior year and that's when a lot of teams backed off. Came back and lead Westlake to a state championship his Senior year.
  4. Well as soon as they completed the snake we crumbled and barely held on to win. That might have been the fastest collapse of a 20+ point lead I've ever seen.
  5. Random question, anyone checked availability of season tickets? With us sucking, might be a decent time to get a reasonable located seat.
  6. I've tried to watch several games this year and just end up turning the game off even when we're winning. It's such bad basketball. The team is so obviously poorly coached that I can't deal with it.
  7. PJ Tucker is the last time I remember it happening to a player at UT
  8. Are we sure that isn't Golden Corral? I hear that's his happy place.
  9. Isn't Nibblett a speedster as well?
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