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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by JesusSweatDuck

  1. Well as soon as they completed the snake we crumbled and barely held on to win. That might have been the fastest collapse of a 20+ point lead I've ever seen.
  2. Random question, anyone checked availability of season tickets? With us sucking, might be a decent time to get a reasonable located seat.
  3. I've tried to watch several games this year and just end up turning the game off even when we're winning. It's such bad basketball. The team is so obviously poorly coached that I can't deal with it.
  4. PJ Tucker is the last time I remember it happening to a player at UT
  5. Are we sure that isn't Golden Corral? I hear that's his happy place.
  6. Isn't Nibblett a speedster as well?
  7. Two children's hospitals and a medical school. Imagine if he lived in Louisiana... I'm right here motherfucker.
  8. Nah, downtown Seattle. Not far from the market
  9. He and Golden were the biggest transfer impacts this year.
  10. What a huge pick up last year. Thanks for everything, go get paid
  11. Our lack of utilizing QB/RB sneak with tush push is mind bottling. Every time we lined up something like that we snapped between the legs of that person and ran to the edge.
  12. Yeah, I heard rumors of over across I-35 but I'm not sure there's much room there. I guess we'll find out this year. Hosting tournaments at the IM fields kinda sicks
  13. Yeah, figured that out, my bad. I still love the fact that Belichick will have to kiss the ass of 17 year olds.
  14. Any news on the location of the courts when they get built on campus?
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