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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by JesusSweatDuck

  1. https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/burnt-ends-nil-program/
  2. So how long until Hamas starts lobbing rockets at our temporary ports that are providing aid?
  3. Not a Dr.but I remember that discussion. The bone he broke doesn't get a ton of circulation and is slow to heal.
  4. Some players went to the baseball game last night -
  5. Not unsubstantiated. He talked about why he was fired the first time and it was because he was caught drinking on the job.
  6. Hajda is the guy that used to be Jason Dick's sidekick and when Jason was thrown out on his ass a second time, Hajda went with him. They were doing a sports show after the morning show for a few months when Jason was back.
  7. AD and X just got paid. Happy for both of them.
  8. https://www.statesman.com/story/sports/high-school/football/2024/03/01/lake-travis-football-player-peanut-allergy-attack-carter-mannon-transfers-to-vandegrift-austin-area/72790123007/ Doesn't seem like things were really settled. Hope the kid has a good year at Vandy
  9. I'd rather be on a dog's ass than that guy's crotch
  10. At first I thought it was because I lived in N Austin/Cedar Park that the signal was so shitty. Then I was trying to listen in S Austin and the signal was still shitty. Was there a single place in the Austin metro where you could actually get that station clearly every day?
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