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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by JesusSweatDuck

  1. Not to be a negative nancy, but most non-alcoholic beers actually have alcohol in them. They're required to be below 0.5%, but it's still there. Granted you'd need to drink 8+ to get to the same alcohol as a single light beer, but it's there. It is a good mechanism help ween yourself off/shift habits though.
  2. For some reason, I can't find any domination. Is one 10 win season domination?
  3. Thanks man, I needed that today. Hook em
  4. I'm dreading it. My daughter is my sidekick, we have the same sense of humor, and generally enjoy similar things. I can't wait for her to become even more independent but there will be a massive hole in this house when she moves out
  5. Selling nuclear secrets could be profitable, just saying
  6. Volleyball and band will be hard because they both typically play/perform on Fridays. My daughter missed a lot of football games because she was playing.
  7. We've been preaching that where ever she picks she needs to also be content without volleyball. You never know when something major may happen or the coach leaves, or the changing tides of the NCAA blow something up. If you're at a school just for the athletics, you're kinda screwed. If you're at a school where you have both, you're still in a good spot.
  8. We're a couple steps behind you. She has done a couple unofficials, and has an official scheduled. She didn't get contacted (or even email responses from her top 5 schools, but got 3 out of her next 5. All D1 schools, but on the smaller side. A couple are really good fits with her degree program. Fingers crossed it all works out.
  9. Wow, classless fucks. At least there are some rational people in there. I know we mock Elko and his drinking, but at a personal level I hope it's not as reported and I hope if it is, he figures it out. I wouldn't wish addiction issues on anyone. Seeing what it has done to family members maybe makes me more empathetic to their struggles.
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